Sunday, December 12, 2010

Development of C

                                   Development of C

Algol 60. They are particularly oriented towards system programming, are small and compactly
described, and are amenable to translation by simple compilers. They are ‘close to the machine’
in that the abstractions they introduce are readily grounded in the concrete data types and operations
supplied by conventional computers, and they rely on library routines for inputoutput
other interactions with an operating system. With less success, they also use library procedures to
specify interesting control constructs such as coroutines and procedure closures. At the same
time, their abstractions lie at a sufficiently high level that, with care, portability between
machines can be achieved.
BCPL, B and C differ syntactically in many details, but broadly they are similar. Programs
consist of a sequence of global declarations and function (procedure) declarations. Procedures
can be nested in BCPL, but may not refer to nonstatic
objects defined in containing procedures.
B and C avoid this restriction by imposing a more severe one: no nested procedures at all. Each
of the languages (except for earliest versions of B) recognizes separate compilation, and provides
a means for including text from named files.
Several syntactic and lexical mechanisms of BCPL are more elegant and regular than those
of B and C. For example, BCPL’s procedure and data declarations have a more uniform structure,
and it supplies a more complete set of looping constructs. Although BCPL programs are
notionally supplied from an undelimited stream of characters, clever rules allow most semicolons
to be elided after statements that end on a line boundary. B and C omit this convenience, and end
most statements with semicolons. In spite of the differences, most of the statements and operators
of BCPL map directly into corresponding B and C.
Some of the structural differences between BCPL and B stemmed from limitations on intermediate
memory. For example, BCPL declarations may take the form
let P1 be
and P2 be
and P3 be
where the program text represented by the commands contains whole procedures. The subdeclarations
connected by
Similarly, BCPL can package a group of declarations and statements into an expression that
yields a value, for example
and occur simultaneously, so the name P3 is known inside procedure P1.
E1 := valof $(
declarations ; commands ; resultis E2 $) + 1
The BCPL compiler readily handled such constructs by storing and analyzing a parsed representation
of the entire program in memory before producing output. Storage limitations on the B compiler
demanded a onepass
technique in which output was generated as soon as possible, and the
syntactic redesign that made this possible was carried forward into C.
Certain less pleasant aspects of BCPL owed to its own technological problems and were
consciously avoided in the design of B. For example, BCPL uses a ‘global vector’ mechanism
for communicating between separately compiled programs. In this scheme, the programmer
explicitly associates the name of each externally visible procedure and data object with a numeric
offset in the global vector; the linkage is accomplished in the compiled code by using these
numeric offsets. B evaded this inconvenience initially by insisting that the entire program be presented
all at once to the compiler. Later implementations of B, and all those of C, use a conventional
linker to resolve external names occurring in files compiled separately, instead of placing
the burden of assigning offsets on the programmer.
Other fiddles in the transition from BCPL to B were introduced as a matter of taste, and
some remain controversial, for example the decision to use the single character
instead of
text up to the end of the line. The legacy of PL/I is evident here. (C++ has resurrected the BCPL
comment convention.) Fortran influenced the syntax of declarations: B declarations begin with a
specifier like
= for assignment:=. Similarly, B uses /* */ to enclose comments, where BCPL uses //, to ignoreauto or static, followed by a list of names, and C not only followed this style

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