Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Synonyms- A
Synonyms- A
1.Abase = lower , degrade , humiliate
usage:Anna expected to have to curtsy to the king of Siam,
whentold to cast herself down on the ground before him
however,she refused toabase herself
2.Abate = subside ,moderate
Usage : Rather than leaving immediately ,they waited for the
storm to abate
3.Aberrant = abnormal ,deviant
Usage : Given the aberrant nature of the day,we came to
doubt the validity of the entire experiment
4.Abeyance = suspended action , not in continuation
Usage : The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival
5.Abet = Assist, usually doing something in wrong
Usage : She wall unwilling to abet him in the swindle he
had planned
6.Abbreviate = shorten
Usage : because we were running out of time , the lecture
had to abbreviate her speech
7.Abolish = cancel, put an end to
Usage : The president of the college refused to abolish to
physical education requirement
8.Ablution = Washing
Usage : His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises
pretence,deception, (or)fraudulent intent
infidel-one who does not have the right
faith(or)religion, especially to the marriage vows
that he humorously labeled opera in the both.
9.Abominate = loathe ,hate
Usage : Moses scold the idol worshipers in the tribe because
of abominated the custom
10. Adjure = renounce upon oath, he adjured his allegiance
to the king
11. Abnegation = renunciation ,self sacrifice
Usage : Rani and Son loved one another but their love was
doomed she had to wed the king their act of abnegation was
necessary to preserve the kingdom
12.Abscission = cutting off, separation
Usage : when a flower or leaf separates naturally from the
parent ,this process is called abscission
13.Abridge = condence ,shorten
Usage : Because the publishers felt the public wanted
a shorter versionof war and peace ,they proceeded to abridge
the novel
14.Abscond = depart secretly, and hide
Usage : The teller who absconded with the bonds went
uncaptured until some one recognized him
15.Absolute = complete, certain
Usage : The king of Siam was an absolute monarch
16.Absolve = pardon
Usage : The father confessor absolved him of his sons
17.Abstinence = restraint from eating or drinking
Usage : The doctor recommended total abstinence from
salted foods
18.Abusive = coarsely insulting
Usage : An abusive parent damages a child both mentally
and physically
19.Abut = border upon
Usage : where our estates abut , we must build a fence
20.Abortive = unsuccessful, fruitless
Synonyms- B
Synonyms- B
Shakespeare is a great
2.Boretaced:Shameless,bold Shocked by Huck finn's
good lord would give him a sense of his regenerate dickedness.
3.Bask:luxuriate,take pleasure in warmth.
poet(Bard).boretaced lies,Miss Watson prayed the
asleep. 4.Bate:let down,restrain.
Until it was to open the presents,the children had to
5.Beatific:giving bliss,blissful.
6.Beeline:Direct,Quick route.
As soon as the movie was over,jim made a
7.Behoove:Be suited to.
In this time of crisis,it
and await the instruction of our superiors.
8.Belie:Contradict,give a false impression.
His coarse,hard bitten exterior
He wished to
The Con man specialized in
11.Bland:Soothing or mild,agreeable.
Jill tried a
Although age had
13. Bicker:Quarrel.
The children
their parents.
14.Blurt:utter impulsively.
Before she could stop him,he
The recent rains that filled our empty reservoirs
were a
16.Brawn:Muscular strenght,sturdiness.
It takes
The dean would
18.Brittle:easily broken,difficult.
My employer's
to get along with her.
19.Broach:Introduce,open up.
He did not even try to
21.Brandish:Wave around,Hourish.
Doctor watson wildly
to put the thing away before he shot himself.
22.Brunt:Main impact or shock.
Tom sawyer claimed credit for painting the fence,but the
on the beach,she relaxed so completely that shell fellbate theirbeatificsmile on the child's face made us very happy.beeline for the exit.behooves all of us to remain calmbelied his innate sensitivity.bestow great honors upon the hero.bilking insurance companies.bland ointment for her sun burn.blanched his hair,he was still energetic.bickered morning,noon and night ,exasperatingblurted out the news.boon to the whole community.brawnto become a champion weight-lifter.brook no interference with his disciplinnarybrittle personality made it difficult for mebroach thebrazen contempt for authority angered the aooicials.brandished his gun until Holmes told himbrunt
of the work fell on others.
23.Brackish:Somewhat salinc.
He found the only wells in the area were
24.Bizarre:Fantastic,violently contrating.
The plot of the novel was too
25.Bivouac:Temporary encampment.
While in
the stars.
The school bully
27.Babble:Chatter idly.
The little girl
28.Balk:Stop short,as it faced with an obstacle and refuse
to continue.
The cheif of police
riot torn area.
29.Banal:hackneyed,commonplace,trite,lacking originality.
He even resorted to the
banana peel!
30.Beneficent:Kindly,doing good.
The overgenerous philanthropist had to curb his
brackish.bizarre to be believed.bivouac,we spent the night in our sleeping bags underbaited the smaller children.babbled about her doll.balked at sending his officers into thebanality of having someone slip on abeneficent
impulses before he gave away all his money and left himself
with nothing.
Synonyms- C
Synonyms- C
1)Cacophonous Discardant,Inharmonious
Usage:Some of th students in the orchestra enjoy the
cacophonous sounds .
2)Capricious Unpredctable,steadfast
UsageThe storm was capricious changed couse constantly
3)Castigation Punishment,severe criticism,commendation
Usage:Woolf could not bear the castigation that she faced in
certain reviews.
4) Catalyst :Agent that brings about chemical change while it
remains uneffected and unchanged
Usage:Many chemical reactions can't take place without the
presenc of a catalyst
5) Cache: Hiding place
Usage : The dective followed the suspect until he led them to
the cache where he had store his loot.
6)Callow : Immature,inexperenced,Youthful
Usage : In both the cases the judge shows how callow he was.
7) Chast :Pure,modest.outspoken
Usage:The crusader had her fitted out with a chastebelt.
8)Coagulate :Thicken , clot
Usage:Even after u remove the pudding from the bushes , it
willcontinue to coagulate as it stands.
9)Coda :Concluding section of a musical composition
Usage:The piece concluded with distinctive coda that
strickingly brought together various motifs.
10)Connoisseur :Person competent to act as judge of art,A
loverof an art.
Usage:She had developed into a connoisseur of fine chdna.
Synonyms- D
Synonyms- D
1)Dabble : Work at in a non serious fashion ,splash around
Usage:The amateur painter dabbled at art , but seldom produced
a finished pece.
2)Dally :Tritle with.
Usage:Lourtes told Ophelia that Hamlet would only dally with
her affections.
3)Dank :Damp
Usage:The walls of the dungen were dank and slimy
4)Dappled : Neat and trim
Usage:The odd couple Nimmy played Felix , an excessively
dapper soul who could not stand to have a hair out the wall.
5)Daub :Smear
Usage: From the way he daubed his paint on the canvas, I
could tell he knew nothing of oils.
6)Daunt :frighten
Usage:'Boast all you like your prowess mere word cannot
daunt me,' the hero answered the villian
7)Debris :rubble
Usage:a full year after the earthquake in Mexico city,
workers were still carting a way the debris.
8)Dawdle :loiter, waste time
Usage:we have to meet a dead line dont dwadle.Just get
down to work
Usage:The dearth of skilled labour compelled the
employers to open trade schools.
10)Decant:pour of gently
Usage:Be sure to decant this wine before serving it.
Usage:They didd not hand Lady Jane ;they decapitated
her."off with her head", cried the Duches, eager to
decapitate poor alice
Usage:I could not decipher the doctor's hand writing.
13)Declivity :Downward slope
Usage:The children loved to skid down the declivity.
14)Deface:Mar, Disfigure.
Usage: If you deface a library book you have to pay
a hefty fine.
15)Decoy : Lure or bait
Usage:the wild ducks were not fooled by the decoy
16)Defile:Pollute, profane
Usage:the hand looms defiled the church with their
scurrilous writings.
17)Descry :catch site of
Usage:In the distance, we could darely descry the enemy
18)Derogatory: expressing a low opinion
Usage:I resent your derpgatory remarks.
19)Dirge :layment with music
Usage:the funeral dirge stirred us to tears.
Usage:The King's diadem was on display at the museum
Synonyms- E
Synonyms- E
Usage:Some people encumber themselves with too much luggage
when they take short trips.
2)Endearment:Fond word or act
Usage:Your gifts and endearments can't make me forget your
earlier insolence.
3)Endure:Provide with some Quality , endow.
Usage ; He was endued with a lions courage.
4)Enduring:asting , surviving.
Usage:Keats believed in the enduring power of great art,
which would out last its creators brief lives.
5)Eminent:Lofty , Conspicious , celebrated,remarkable .
UsageV:VThis award will be given away by an eminent
6) Enervate:Weaken
Usage:She was slow to recover from her illness;even
a sheet walk to the window enervated her
7)Engross:Occupy fully
Usage:John was so engrossed in the studies thst he
didn't he hear his mother call
8)Engima:Puzzle , Mystery
Usage:Their behaviour was an engima to him
Usage:The monotous routine of hospital life induced
a feeling of ennui that amde her moodyard irritable.
Usage:He didn't realize the enormity of his crime
untill he saw what suffering he had caused.
11)Enrapture:Please intensely
Usage:The audience was enraptured by the freshness
of the voices the excellent orchestration.
12)Ensconce:Settle comfortably
Usage:Now that children were ensconced safely in
the private school.
13)Ensue: Follow
Usage:he evils that ensured were direct result of
the miscalculations of the leaders.
14)Entail:Require , necessitate ;involve
Usage: Building a college level vocabulary will
entail some work on your part.
15)Entreat:Plead , ask earnestly.
Usage: She entreated her father to let her stay
out till midnight.
16)Eon:Long peroid of time , on age
Usage:It has taken Eons for our civilization to
17)Enthrall:Capture ,enslave
Usage: From the moment he saw her picture, he was
enthralled by her beauty.
Usage:Witty thought or saying usually short.poor
richards epigrams made Benjamin frankline famous.
19)Epilogue:Short speech at conclusion of dramatic
Usage:The audience was so disappointed in the
play that many did not remain to heaer the epilogue.
20)Erode:Eat away
Usage:The limestoen was eroded by the dripping
water until only a thin shell remained.
21)Erotic :Pertaining to passionate love.
Usage:The erotic passages in this novel should
be removed as they are merely pornographic.
22)Erroneous :Mistaken ,wrong
Usage:I thought my answer was correct , but it
was erroneous.
Usage:Hoping to present himself to his girlfriend
as a totally reformed character ,he tried to eshew
all this vices ,especially chewing tobacco
and drinking bathtub gin.
24)Escapade:Prank , Flighty conduct.
Usage:The headmaster could not regard this latest
escapade as a byish joke and expelled the young man.
Usage:She was always ready to espouse a worthy cause.
Synonyms- F
Synonyms- F
1. Fanciful : whimsical, visionary
This is a fanciful scheme because it does not consider
the facts.
2. Fatuos : foolish , inane
She is far too intelligent to utter such fatous remarks.
3. Falter : hesitate
when told to dive off the high board she did not falter
but proceeded at once.
4. Farce : broad comedy , mockey , nothing went right ,
The entire interview degenerated into farce.
5. Fecundity : fertilty , frutfulness
The fecundity of her mind illustrated by many vivid
imagesin her poems.
6. Fell : cruel, deadly
The newspaper told of the tragic spread of the fell
7. Felon : person convicted of a grave crime.
A convicted felon loses the right to vote.
8. Ferret : drive or hunt out of hiding.
She ferreted out their secret.
9. Fete : honor at a festival
The returning hero was feted at a community supper and
10. Flay : strip off skin , plunder
The criminal was condemned to be flayed alive.
11. Fleece : rob , plunder
The tricksters fleeced him of his inheritance.
12.Flinch : hesitate , shrink
She did not flinch in the face of danger but tought back
13.Finesse : delicate , skill
The finesse and adroitness of the
surgeon impressed the observers in the operation room.
14.Filch : steal
The boys filched apples from fruit stand.
15. Figment : invention , imaginary thing.
That incident never took place , it is a figment of your
16.Fidelity : loyalty
A dogs fidelity to its owner is one of the reasons why
animal is a favourite househod pet.
17. Fiat : command
I cannot accept government by fiat.
18.Felter : shackle
The prisoner was feltered to the wall
19.fetid : malodorous
The neglected wound became fetid.
20.Flit : fly, dart lightly, pass swiftly by.
Like a bee flitting from flower to flower, Rose
flitted from one boyfriend to next.
21. Floe : mass of floating ice
The ship made slow progress as it batlered its way through
the ice floes.
22. Flourish : grow well , prosper , make sweeping gestures.
The orange trees flourished in the sun.
23.Flout : reject , mock
The headstrong youth flouted all authority , he refused
to be curbed.
24. Fluster : confuse
The teachers sudden question flustered him and he
stammered his reply.
25. Foray : raid
The company staged a midnight foray against the enemy
Synonyms- G
Synonyms- G
1.Gadfly=animal-biting,An irritating person
Usage:like a
2.Gattle=social blunder
Usage:According to Miss manners to call your husband by your
name is worse than a mere
Usage:she was too honest to
4.Gait=Manner of walking or running ,spped
Usage: The lame man walked with an uneven
Usage:The weather channel warned viewers about a rising
with winds of up to 60mph.
Usage:The knowledge of his failure filled him with
Usage:Their faunts
8.Gambol=skip about
Usage:Watching the children
at their youthful energy.
9.Gape=open widely
Usage:The huge pit
10.Garner=gather ,store up
Usage:She hoped to
11.Gauche=clumsy ,coarse and uncouth
Usage:Compared to the sophisticated young ladies intheir
elegant gowns,
tomboyish felt
12.Gaunt=lean and angular
Usage:His once round face looked surprisingly
he had lost weight.
13.Gavel=hammerlike tool ,mallet
Usage:"sold" cried the actioneer ,banging her
to indicate she had accepted the final bid.
14.Gentry=people of standing ,class of people just below
Usage:The llocal
tourists and tried to ignore their presence in the community.
15.Genuflect=bend the knee as in worship
Usage:A proud democrat,he refused to
Usage:The murdered man was a
Usage:As you
you realize that you,too,are guilty of similarly foolish
Usage:He felt his
19.Girth=distance around something;circumference
It took an extra large cunmerbund to fit around Andrew
Carnegies considerable
Usage:The audience shuddered as they listened to the
details of the
gadfly he irritated al the guests in the hotel.gattle ,it is a mistake.gainsay the truth of the report.gait.gale,gall.galled him.gambol inthe park, betty morveledgaped before him.garner the woorld literature in one library.gauche and out of place.gaunt aftergavel on thegentry did not welcome the visits of summergenuflect to any man.ghostly sight.gibe at their superstitious beliefs,dogiddy youth was past.girth.gory massacre.
Synonyms- H
Synonyms- H
Usage :After a brief ilness,he was soon
Usage :In his poem
in our lives.
3.Haphazard=random,by chance
Usage :His
classic books.
4.Haggard=wasted away,gaunt
Usage :After his long illness he was pale and
5.Halcyon= cam , peaceful
Usage :In those
sneak attacks.
6. Hallucination=delusion
Usage : Ithink you are frightened by a
you created in your own mind.
Usage :The crocus is an early
8.Hew = cut to pieces with axe or sword
Usage :The cavalry rushed into themelee and
with their swords.
9.Heedless=not noticing,disregardind
Usage :She drove on,
was dangerous.
10.Heckler=person who verbaly harasses others
Usage :The
11.Hazy=slightly obsecure
Usage :In
12.Harbor=provide a & refuge for,hide
Usage :The church
Usage :Bears prepare for their long
Usage :The runway train
15.Hypercritical=excessively exacting
Usage :You are
we all make mistakes.
16.Hypochondriac=person unduly worried about his health,
without cause about ilness
Usage :The docter prescribed chocolate pills for her patient
who was a
17.Hover=hang about,wait nearby
Usage :The police helicopter
Usage :After her years of adventure she coud not settle down
to a
19.Humility=humbleness of spirit
Usage :He spoke with a
impressed his listeners.
Usage :In herspeech she tried to pay
hale.hap,thomas objects to the path chance playshaphazard reading left him unacquired with manyhaggard.halcyon days ,people were not worried abouthallycination thatharbinger of spring.hewed the enemyheedless of the warnings that the roadhackler kept interrupting the speaker with rudehazy weather,you cannot see the top of the mountain.harbored illegal aliens who were politicahibernal sleep byhurtled toward disaster.hypercritical in your demands for perfection,hypochondriac.hovered above the accident.humdrum existence.humility and lack of pride thathomage to a great man.
Synonyms- I
Synonyms- I
1. Ichthyology:Study of fish
2. Idolatry:Worship of idols,excessive admiration.
Such idolatry of singers of country music is typical of
the excessive enthusiasm of youth.
3. Igncous:produced by fire ,volcanic,Lava,pumia.
Igncous rocks an found in great abundana around mount
4. Ignoble:unworthy,not noble.
A true knight,sir Galahad never stopped to perform an
ignoble dud.
5. Immonility:State of being immovable.
Modern armless cannot afford the luxury of immobility.
6. Impair:injure,hurt.
Drinking alcohol can impair your ability to drive
7. Imbecility:weakness of mind.
I am amazed at the imbecility of the readers of these
trashy magazines.
8. Imbibe:drink in
The dry soil imbibed the rain quickly.
9. Illusory:deceptive ,not real,unfortunately.
The cast of running the lemonde stand were so high that
Tom's profits proved illusory.
10. Impeach:Charge with crime in office,indid .
The angry congressman wanted to impeach the president for
his misdeeds.
11. Impasse:Predicament from which there is no escape
In this impasse ,all turned to prayer as their last hope.
12. Impending:Nearing,approaching.
The entire country was saddene by the news of his
impending death.
13. Implicit:understood but not stated.
Jack never told Gill he adored her,he believed his love
was implicit in his deeds.
14. Impediment:hindrance ,stumbling block.
She had a speech impediment that prevented her from
speaking clearly.
15. Implode:Burst inward
If you break a vaccume tube the glass tube implodes.
16. Implore:Beg.
He implored her to give him a second chance.
17. Implausible:unlikely,unbelievable.
Though her alibiseemed implausible,it infact turned out
to be true.
18. Impinge:touch, collide with .
How could they be married without impinging one's another
19. Imponderable:weightless.
I can evalute the
data gathered in this study .The imponderable items are not
so easily analyzed.
20. Importunate:demanding.
He tried to hide from his importunate creditors until
his allowance arrived.
Synonyms- J
Synonyms- J
1. Jabber:Chatter rapidly or unintelligibly.
Why does the fellow insist on jabbering understand a
ward he says .
2. Jaded: Fatigued ,surfeited.
He looked for exotic foods to simmulate his jaded
3. Jargon:language used by a special group,Technical
The computer salesmen at the store used a jargon of their
that we simply couldn't follow.
4. Jaundiced:Prejudiced ,yellowed ,envious.
Because sue disliced carolyn,
she looked at carolyn's paintings
with a jaundiced eye,
Calling them formless smears.
5. Jaunt:Trip,Short journey.
He took a quick jaunt to Atlantic.
6. Jaunty:Lighthrearted ,animated,easy,carefree.
In singing in rain ,Gene kelly sand and danced his way
the lighthreated title number
in a properly jaunty style.
7. Jeopardize:endanger,imperil,put at risk.
You can't give me a D in chemistry:you'll jeopardize my
of being admitted to M.I.T.
8. Jettison:throw overboard.
In order to enable the ship to ride safely through the
storm,the captain had to jettison much of his cargo.
9. Jibe:agree,be in harmony with.
Their stories just don't jibe.
10. Jingoist:extremely aggressive and militant patriot,
was like chauvinist.
Always bellowing "America first!" the congressman was
such a jingoist you could almost hear
the sabers rattling as he marched down the halls.
11. Jocose:given to joking.
The salesman was so jocose that many ofn his customers
suggested that he become a stand up comic.
12. Jostle:Shove,bump.
In the subway he was jostled by the crowds.
13. Jocular:said (or) done in jest.
Although Bill knew the boss hated jokes,he couldn't
resist making on jocular remark.
14. Jocund:merry
Santa claus is always cheerful and jocund.
15. Jollity:gaiety,cheerfulness.
The festive christmas dinner was a merry one, and old
and young alike joined in the general jollity.
16. Jovial:good-natured,merry.
A frown seemed out of place on his invariably jovial
17. Jubilation:rejoicing.
There was great jubilation when the armistice was
18. Judicious:Sound in judgement,wise.
At a key moment in his life ,he made a judicious
investment that was the foundation of his later wealth.
19. Juggernaut:irresistible crushing force.
Nothing could survive in the path of the juggernaut.
20. Juncture:Crisis,joining point
At this critical juncture ,let us think carefully
before determining the course we shall follow.
Synonyms- K
Synonyms- K
1. Ken : range of knowledge
I cannot answer your question since this matter is beyond
my ken.
2. Kernel : Central or vital part , whole speed.
'Watson , bured within this tissue of lies there is a
kernel of truth; when
I find it, mystery will be solved
3. Kindred : related , simlar in nature or character.
Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn were kindred spirits.
4. Kismet : fate
Kismet is the Arabic word for fate.
5.Knead : mix, work dough
Her hands grew strong from kneading bread.
6.Knell : tolling of a bell, especially to indicate a funeral,
disaster , sound of funeral bell.
" The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.
7.Knit : contract into wrinkles , grow together
whenever David worries , his brow knits in a frown.
8.knoll : little , round hill
Robert Louise Stevenson's grave is a knoll in Somoa; to reach
the grave site ,
you must climb uphill and walk a short distance.
9.knotty : intricate, difficult , tangled
what to Watson had been a Knotty problem to Sherlock Holmes
was simplicity itself.
10.kudos : honor, glory , praise
The singer complacently received kudos on his performance
from his entourage.
11. knave : Untrustworthy person , rodue , scoundrel
Any politician nicknamed Tricy Dick clearly has the
reputation of a knave
12. Killjoy : grouch , spoilsport
At breakfast we had all been enjoying our bacon and eggs
until that killjoy John started talking about how bad
animal fats and cholesterol were for our health
Synonyms- L
Synonyms- L
1)Laggard : Slow, Sluggish
Usage : The Sailor had been taught not to be Laggard
n carrying out orders.
2)Laconic : Brief and to the point.
Usage : Many of the characters portrayed by client
Eastwood are Laconic types:Strong men of few words.

Taceo To be scilent
Taciturnity-world famous,and no one,iam
sure,ever conceived of him as
perticularly sociable tacit-unspoken,unsaid
Re Again Reticent-who prefers to keep silent
Laconia Sparta Laconiccess,laconicity,laconism
Grandis Grand Grandiloquent-exaggerated
Gregis Herd,flock Egregious-lie,act,crime,mistake etc.,
Con With,together
Conscience-is your knowledge with a moral
sence of right and wrong
conscious-awareness of one's
emotions(or)sensations,(or)of what's happening
around one
Omnis All
Omniscient-all knowing;possessed of infinite
Pre Before
Prescient-knowing about events before they
occuri.e., possessed of unusal powers of
E,ex Out Egregiousness-lie,act
Ness Noun suffix
Se Apart Segregate-analyze,change
-ion Noun suffix added to worbs Congregation,segregation,aggregation
Par Equal
Parity payments-refer to payments
that shows an equality to earnings for some
agreed-upon year disparate-indicates essential
(or)complete difference(or)inequality
Vox,vocis Voice
Equivocate-you seem to be saying both yes and
no with equal voice
Noun suffix attached to
Noun suffix attached to
Dis Negativeprefix Disagree,disparity,discouraging
-ate Verb suffix Disparate,equivocate
Noun suffix attached to
verbs ending in -ate
-ous Adjective suffix Ambiguous
Equ- Equal
by one of those delightful surprises and caprices
characteristic of language
Nox,noctis Night
Equinox-when day and night are of equal
length,occures twice a year:about march 21 and
again about sep 21st
nocturnal-describes people,animals(or)plants that
are active (or)flourish at night rather than during
daylight hours
Animus Mind
Equanimity-equal mind
equability-a person of equable temperment is
characteristically calm,serene,unflappable,even
Libra Balance
Equilibrium-the forcr of gravity is stronger than
your ability to stay upright
equilibrist-a performer successfully defining the
law of gravity by balancing on a thin overhead
divides the earth into equal
Eques Horse
Equestrian-is someone on a horse,horse back
riding,as an equestrain statue
Fero To bear,carry
Vociferous-play of young children though
unfortunatly eliminated child noises
Scribo,scriptus To write
Proscribe-to forbid(is commonly used for
medical,religious, or legal prohibitions)
De Down Describe-to write down
Manus Hand
Manuscript-is something handwritten the word
was coined before the invention of the typewriter
Sub Under Subway,subsurface etc.,
Ant,ent Full of(adj., or noun suffix)
Eloquent-pertaining to fluid,effective speech
suppliant-pleader(person full of requests)
Like,connected with(adj., or
noun suffix)
Dictionary-book connected with words
honorary-with honor
luminary-celestial body
Ate To make(verb suffix)
Consecrate-to make holy
enervate-to make weavy
mitigate-to make less severe
Ation That which is(noun suffix)
Cy State of being(noun suffix)
Democracy-government ruled by the people
Eer,er,or Person who(noun suffix)
Mutineer-person who rebels
lecher-person who lusts
censor-person who deletes improper remarks
Escent Becoming(adj. Suffix) Evanescent-tending to vanish
pubescent-arriving at puberty
Fic Making,doing(adj. Suffix)
Terrific-arousing great fear
soporific-causing sleep
Fy To make(verb suffix)
petrify-turn to stone
Pestiferous-carrying desease
vociferous-bearing a loud voice
Pertaining to,capable of(adj
Puerile-pertaining to a boy or child
Ism Doctrine,belief(noun suffix)
Monotheism-belief in one god
fanaticism-excessive zeal;extreme belief
Ist Dealer,doer(noun suffix)
Realist-one who is realistic
artist-one who deals with art
Ity State of being(noun suffix)
Creduality-state of being unduly willing to
Ive Like(adj. Suffix)
quantitative-concerned with quantity
Ize,ise To make(verb suffix)
Harmonize-make harmonious
enfranchise-make free or set free
Oid Resembling,like(adj. Suffix)
Ovoid-like an egg
anthropoid-resembling a human being
spheroid-resembling a sphere
Ose,ous Full of(adj. Suffix)
Verbose-full of words
Nauseous-full of nausea
Osis Condition(noun suffix)
psychosis-diseased mental condition
hypnosis-condition of induced sleep
Tude State of(noun suffix)
Fortitude-state of strength
certitude-state of sureness
Ego I
Egocentric-consider yourself
Alter Other
Altruistic-actions look towards the benefits of
alternate-you slip one and take another
Vert To turn
Introvertyour thoughts are constantly turned
Ambi Both directions
Ambidextrous-able to use both hands with equal
Misein To hate
Misanthrope-person who hates mankind
misogamist-person who hates marriage
Gyne Women Gynaeocologist-the medical specialist who treats
female disorders
misogynist-person who hates women
Anthropos Mankind
Anthropology-the study of the development of
the human race philanthropist-one who loves
and shows such love by making substantial
contributions to charitable organizations (or)by
donating time and energy to helping those in need
Gamos Marriage
Monogamy-only one marriage
Derma Skin
Hypodermic-needla penetrates under the skin
dermatitis-general name for any skin
inflammation,irritation, or infection
Oculus Eye
Ocular-refer to the eye
binoculars-field glasses that increse the range of
two eyes
Orthos Straight(or)correct
Orthopaedist-straightens children
orthodontics-the straightening of teeth
Cardia Heart
Cardiologist-science regarding heart
cardiac-condition refers to some malfunctioning
of the heartbeat
Neuron Nerve
Neuralgia-is acute pain along the nerves and their
neuritis-inflammation of the nerves
Psyche Spirit,soul(or)mind
Psychologist-is one who studies the mind
psychosomatic-theory of medicine
Peri Around,surrounding Periodontist-is a gum specialist
Endo Inner,within
Endodontist-specializes in work on the pulp of
the tooth and in root-canal therapy
Metron Measurement
Optometrist-measures vision
thermometer-an instrument to measure heat
Osteon Bone
Osteopath-disease is caused by pressure of the
bones on blood vessels and nerves
Cheir Hand Chiropractors-heal with their hands
Pous,podos Foot
Octopus-the eight armed sea creature
podium-speaker’s platform
Graphein To write
Graphologist-analyses handwriting
calligrapher-is called upon to design and write
announcements,place cardsetc., as a touch of
Geras Oldage
Geriatrician-specializes in the medical care of the
Senex Old Senile-showing signs of the physical and/or
mental detioration that generally marks very old
senescent-aging,growing old
senate-originally a council of older,and
presumably wiser,citizens
Astron Star
Astronomer-is interested in the arrangement of
stars and other celestical bodies astrology-which
assesses the influence of planets and stars on
human events
Aster Is a star shaped flower
Asterisk-a star shaped symbol(*)is generally used
in writing (or)printing to direct the reader to look
for a footnote
astrophysics-is the branch of physics dealing with
heavenly bodies
Nomos Arrangement,law(or)order Autonomy-self law,self-government
Ge(geo) Earth
geometry-branch of mathematics dealing with the
measurement and properties of solid and plane
figures,such as angles,
triangles,squares,spheres,primes etc.,
Bios Life
Biography-writing about someone’s life
autobiography-the story of one’s life written by
Botane Plant
Zoion Animal
Tome A cutting
Etomology-a cutting
appendectomy-the appendix
Dicha In two
Dichotomy-a splitting in two
dichotomous-thinking is the sort that divides
everything into two parts-good and bad
Kentron Centre
Eccentric-out of the centre,hence deviating from
the normal in behaviour attitudes
etc.,(or)unconventional odd,strange
A Not,negative Atom-one that could not be cut any further
Ana Up
Anatomy-originally the cutting up of a
plant(or)animal to determine its structure,later the
bodily structure itself
Epi On,upon Epitome-may refer to a summary,condensation
Logos Word,speech Philolegy-the love of words
Lingua Tounge Linguistics-the science of language
Philein To love Philanthrophy-the love of mankind
bibliophile-is one who loves books as
collectibles,admiring their
binding,typography,illustrations etc.,
Sophos Wise Philosophy-love of wisdom
Adelphos Brother Philadelphia-is the city of brotherly love
Anglus English
Anglophile-admires and is fond of the british
people,customs & culture etc.,
Socius Companion
Socius-is the source of such common words as
associate, social,society,and antisocial etc.,
Anti Against
Antisocial-person actively dislikes people,and
often behaves in ways that are
detrimental(or)destructive to society(or)the social
Notus Known Notoriouswidely but unfavourably known
Summus Highest
Consummate-artist has reached the very highest
point of perfection
Carrigo To correct,set straight
Incorrigible-if they do anything to excess,and if
all efforts to correct(or)reform them are to no
Vetus Old Inveterate-gamblers have growm old in the habit
Genesis Birth,origin
Genetics-is the science that deals with the
transmission of hereditary characteristics from
parents to offspring genealogy-is the study of
family trees(or)ancestral origins
chronos Time
Anachronism-is someone (or)something out of
time,out of date, belonging to a different
era,either earlier(or)later
Con With,together
Incongruous-to wear a sweater and slacks to a
formal wedding
Facio,factus To do(or)make
malefactor wrong doer,an evildoer,a criminal
Malus Bad,evil
-ence,-ancy Noun suffix Militancy,maligancy,maleficence,malevolence
Bonus,bene Good,well
benefactor-one who does good things for another,
as by giving help,providing financial
gifts(or)aid,(or)coming to the rescue when
someone is in need Benevolent-Wish them well
Fides Faith Bonafide-good faith,hence valid,without

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