Monday, December 13, 2010


This is a very simple trick to do if you have done the same for the logon screen and the start button. There
are 2 ways to do this trick that I know about one is doing it manually and the other is using a program
called bootxp. I am going to tell you the manual way to do it, but if you want to know the other way just let
me know, so I can do an update to the guide. Now once you have downloaded your ntoskrnl.exe file save it
a general location so that you will have easy access to it, like my folder.
Once you have ntoskrnl.exe file in an easy access folder, restart your pc into safe mode. Once into safe
mode go to the folder where your files are located.
Now that you are there copy the file that you want to change your boot screen too. Once you have copied
that file, hit the window key + r or type %windir%system32 in the run command, so that folder as follows.
Once there paste your new file into the folder and overwrite the existing folder.
Now that you have your new file in the folder restart your pc as you normally would and your new boot
screen should appear. You can download this bootscreen here.

To change drive letters (useful if you have two drives and have partitioned the boot drive, but the secondary
drive shows up as "D")
Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management, Disk Management, then
right-click the partition whose name you want to change (click in the white area just below the word
"Volume") and select "change drive letter and paths."
From here you can add, remove or change drive letters and paths to the partition.



Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID, and look for the CLSID subkey from the table above for
the object whose icon you want to change. Open the subkey and then the DefaultIcon
subkey under that. To change the icon for My Computer, open the subkey
Change the Default value to the path of the icon that you want displayed. Follow the same
for changing the icons of ther items as well. Exit the Registry. You might have to reboot for
the new settings to take effect. If you aren't able to change your icons still, then try editing the
following: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoft WindowsCurrentVersion
Explorer CLSID, and you will be in.


Here is the way to change the text that appear on the start button..follow these simple steps....
Step 1 – Modify Explorer.exe File
In order to make the changes, the file explorer.exe located at C:Windows needs to be edited. Since
explorer.exe is a binary file it requires a special editor. For purposes of this article I have used Resource
Hacker. Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract
resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script
compiler and decompiler and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating
systems. Navigate here to download Resource Hacker.
The first step is to make a backup copy of the file explorer.exe located at C:Windowsexplorer. Place it in a
folder somewhere on your hard drive where it will be safe. Start Resource Hacker and open explorer.exe
located at C:Windowsexplorer.exe
The category we are going to be using is String Table. Expand it by clicking the plus sign then navigate
down to and expand string 37 followed by highlighting 1033. If you are using the Classic Layout rather
than the XP Layout, use number 38. The right hand pane will display the stringtable . We’re going to
modify item 578, currently showing the word “start” just as it displays on the current Start button
There is no magic here. Just double click on the word “start” so that it’s highlighted, making sure the
quotation marks are not part of the highlight. They need to remain in place, surrounding the new text that
you’ll type. Go ahead and type your new entry. In my case I used "ELITE MOURYA" .
you’ll notice that after the new text string has been entered the Compile Script button that was grayed out in
Fig. 02 is now active in Fig. 03. I won’t get into what’s involved in compiling a script, but suffice it to say
it’s going to make this exercise worthwhile. Click Compile Script and then save the altered file using the
Save As command on the File Menu. Do not use the Save command – Make sure to use the Save As
command and choose a name for the file.. Save the newly named file to C:Windows.
Step 2 – Modify the Registry
Now that the modified explorer.exe has been created it’s necessary to modify the registry so the file will be
recognized when the user logs on to the system. If you don’t know how to access the registry I’m not sure
this article is for you, but just in case it’s a temporary memory lapse, go to Start (soon to be something else)
Run and type regedit in the Open: field. Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogon
In the right pane double click the Shell entry to open the Edit String dialog box . In Value data: line, enter
the name that was used to save the modified explorer.exe file. Click OK.
Close Registry Editor and either log off the system and log back in, or reboot the entire system if that’s
your preference. If all went as planned you should see your new Start button with the revised text


Copy and Paste in Notepad and save as .reg then double click to apply
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Change this to whatever number you wish explorer to group at. i.e. change it to dword:00000008 if you
wanted explorer to group on 8, or dword:00000005 if you want explorer to group on 5. Save the file after
editing to the number and then click on the file you have edited. It will ask you if you want to enter this
entry into the registry, click yes. You will then be notified if the key has been added to your registry

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