Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Directions: In each of the following questions,there is a certain relationship
between two given words
on one side of : : and one word is given on another side of : :while another word is
to be found from the given alternatives,having the same relation with this word as
the words of the given pair bear. Choose the correct alternative.
1 . Moon : Satellite : : Earth :?
(A) Sun (B) Planet (C)Solar System (D) Asteroid
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Moon is a satellite and Earth is a Planet .
2 . Forecast : Future : : Regret :?
(A) Present (B) Atone (C)Past (D)Sins
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Forecast is for Future happenings and Regret is for past actions .
3. Influenza : Virus : : Typhoid : ?
(A) Bacillus (B)Parasite (C)Protozoa (D) Bacteria
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is the disease caused by the second .
4. Fear : Threat : : Anger : ?
(A)Compulsion (B)Panic (C)Provocation (D)Force
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First arises from the second .
5. Melt : Liquid : : Freeze : ?
(A)Ice (B)Condense (C)Solid (D)Crystal
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First is the process of formation of the second .
6. Clock : Time : : Thermometer : ?
(A)Heat (B)Radiation (C)Energy (D)Temperature
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is an instrument used to measure the second .
7. Muslim : Mosque : : Sikhs : ?
(A)Golden Temple (B)Medina (C)Fire Temple (D)Gurudwara
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second is the pace of worship for the first
. 8. Paw : Cat : : Hoof : ?
(A)Horse (B)Lion (C)Lamb (D)Elephant
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First is the name given to the foot of the second .
9. Eye :Myopia : : Teeth : ?
(A)Pyorrhea (B)Cataract (C)Trachoma (D)Eczema
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is a disease of the first
10. Tractor : Trailer : : Horse : ?
(A)Stable (B)Cart (C)Saddle (D)Engine
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second is pulled by the first
. 11. Scribble : Write : : Stammer : ?
(A)Walk (B)Play (C)Speak (D)Dance
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First is an improper form of the second
12. Flower : Bud : : Plant : ?
(A) Seed (B)Taste (C)Flower (D)Twig
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First develop from the second .
13. Errata : Books : : flaws:?
(A)Manuscripts (B)Metals (C)Speech (D)Charter
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Errata comprises from the books.Similarly, Flaws are the defects in the
14. Gun : Bullet : : Chimney : ?
(A)Ground (B)House (C)Roof (D)Smoke
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second comes out of the first .
15. Breeze : Cyclone : : Drizzle : ?
(A)earth quake (B)Storm (C)Flood (D)Down pour
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second is more intense than the first .
16. Car : Garage : : Aeroplane : ?
(A)Port (B)Depot (C)Hanger (D)Harbour
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First is temporarily parked in the second .
17. Race : Fatigue : : Fast : ?
(A)Food (B)Appetite (C)Hunger (D)Weakness
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First causes the second .
18. Candle : Wax : : Paper :?
(A)Wood (B)Tree (C)Bamboo (D)Pulp
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is made from the second
. 19. Acting : Theater : : Gambling : ?
(A)Casino (B)Club (C)Bar (D)Gymn
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is the place for performing the first .
20. Venerate : Worship : : Extol : ?
(A)Glorify (B)Homage (C)Compliment (D)Recommend
Ans: (A)
Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms .
21. Water : Convection : : Space : ?
(A)Conduction (B)Transference (C)Vacuum (D)Radiation
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second is the mode of transference of heat by the first .
22. Growth : Death : : Increase : ?
(A)Ease (B)decrease (C)Tease (D)Cease
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second puts an end to the activity denoted by the first .
23. Oxygen : Burn : : Carbon dioxide : ?
(A)Isolate (B)Foam (C)Extinguish (D)Explode
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Oxygen helps in burnings while carbon dioxide extinguished fires .
24. Dog : Bark : : Goat : ?
(A)Bleat (B)Howl (C)Grunt (D)Bray
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is noise produced by the first .
25. Grain : Stock : : Stick : ?
(A)Heap (B)Bundle (C)Collection (D)String
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second is collection of the first .
26. Nurture : Neglect : : Denigrate : ?
(A)Reveal (B)Extol(C)Recognize (D)Calumniate
Ans: (B)
Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms .
27. Planet : Orbit : : Projectile : ?
(A)Trajectory (B)Track (C)Milky way (D)Path
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is the path traced by the first .
28. Genuine : Authentic : : Mirage : ?
(A)Image (B)Transpiration (C)Reflection (D)Illusion
Ans: (D)
Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms .
29. Cobbler : Leather : : Carpenter : ?
(A)Furniture (B)Wood (C)Hammer (D)Chair
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second is the raw material used by the first .
30. Rupee : Indian : : Yen : ?
(A)Turkey (B)Bangladesh (C)Pakistan (D)Japan
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Rupee is the currency of India . Similarly , Yen is the currency of Japan .
31. Ocean : Deserts : : Waves : ?
(A)Sea (B)Dust (C)Sand dunes (D)Ripples
Ans: (C)
Explanation: If oceans were deserts, waves would be sand dunes .
32. Pork : Pig : : Beef : ?
(A)Farmer (B)Herd (C)Cow(D)Lamb
Ans: (C)
Explanation: First is the name given to the meat of the second .
33. Illiteracy : Education : : Flood : ?
(A)Rain (B)Bridge (C)Dam (D)River
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Second helps ot get rid of the first
(A)Refuge (B)Mercy (C)Truancy (D)Remorse
Ans: (A)
Explanation: A prisoner is confined within the dungeon ,and an unsheltered person
takes refuge within the asylum .
35. Appraiser : Building : : Critic : ?
(A)Book (B)Masterpiece (C)Judge (D)Gold
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First comments on the second .
(A)Doe (B)Stag (C)Leopard (D)Stallion
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is a young one of the second .
(A)Thresh (B)Sift (C)Pry (D)Rinse
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second denotes the function performed by the first .
38. Fruit : Banana : : mammal : ?
(A)Cow (B)Snake (C)Fish (D)Sparrow
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First denotes the class to which the second belongs .
39. Tile : Mosaic : : Knot : ?
(A)Embroidery (B)Abacus (C)Macrame (D)Easle
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Just as tiles in mosaic make a pattern , so also the knots in a piece of
macrame make a pattern .
40. Import : Export : : Expenditure : ?
(A)Deficit (B)Revenue (C)Debt (D)Tax
Ans: (B)
Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms .
41. Hill : Mountain : : Stream : ?
(A)River (B)Canal (C)Glacier (D)Avalanche
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Second is bigger form of first .
42. Country : President : : State : ?
(A)Governor (B)Minister (C)Chief minister (D)Citizen
Ans: (A)
Explanation: President and Governor are the nominal heads of country and state
respectively .
43. Bread : Yeast : : Curd : ?
(A)Fungi (B)Bacteria (C)Germs(D)Virus
Ans: (B)
Explanation: First is produced by the action of the second .
44. Court : Justice : : School : ?
(A)Teacher (B)Student (C)Ignorance (D)Education
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is the place where the second is imparted .
45. Quartz : Radio : : Gypsum : ?
(A)Glass (B)Porcelain (C)Cement (D)Powder
Explanation: First is used to make the second .
46. Chromite : Chromium : : Ilmenite :?
(A)Limestone (B)Cobalt (C)Manganese (D)Titanium
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Chromite is a mineral of chromium and ilmenite is a mineral of titanium
47. Command : Order : : Confusion : ?
(A)Discipline (B)Clarity (C)Choas (D)Problem
Ans: (C)
Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms.
48. Ruby : Red : : Sapphire : ?
(A)Blue (B)White (C)Green (D)Silver
Ans: (A)
red precious stone and sapphire is a blue precious stone .
49. House : Garbage : : Ore : ?
(A)Rubbish (B)Gangue (C)Sand (D)Dregs
Ans: (B)
Explanation: The waste of the house is called garbage .Similarly ,the impurities in the
ore are called gangue .
50. HongKong : China : : Vatican : ?
(A)Rome (B)Mexico (C)Canada (D)Christianity
Ans: (A)
Explanation: HongKong is a city in China .Similarly ,Vatican is a city in Rome .
51. Stee : Rails : : Alnico : ?
(A)Aircraft (B)Machinery (C)Silver ware (D)Magnets
Ans: (D)
Explanation: First is used to makes the second .
52. Poodle : Dog : : Moose : ?
(A)Duck (B)Donkey (C)Fowl (D)Deer
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Poodle is a bread of dog and moose is a bread of deer .
53. Push : Pull : : Throw : ? (A)Jump (B)Collect (C)Pick (D)Game Ans: (C)
Explanation: The words in each pair are antonyms .
54. Naphthalene : Coal tar : : Dyes : ?
(A)Petroleum (B)Oils (C)Chemicals (D)Carbon
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First is Obtained from the second .
55. Darwin : Evolution : : Archimedes : ?
(A)Friction (B)Lubrication (C)Buoyancy (D)Liquid
Explanation: Darwin gave the theory if evolution ,Like wise Archimedes gave the
theory of buoyancy .
56. Hot : Oven : : Cold : ?
(A)Ice cream (B)Air conditioner (C)Show (D)Refrigerator
Ans: (D)
Explanation: An oven is an appliance to keep the food-items hot ,similarly a
refrigerator keeps food-items cold.
57. Conference : Chairman : : Newspaper : ?
(A)Reporter (B)Distributer (C)Painter (D)Editor
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Chairman is the highest authority in a conference .Similarly editor is the
highest authority in a news paper agency.
58. Drama : Stage : : Tennis : ?
(A)Tournament (B)Net (C)Court (D)Racket
Ans: (C)
Explanation:A drama ia performed on a stage .Similarly tennis is payed on the court
. 59. Tree : Forest : Grass : ?
(A)Lawn (B)Field (C)Garden (D)Farm
Ans: (A)
Explanation: A forest consists of trees and a lawn is made up of grass .
60. Giant : Dwarf : : Genius : ?
(A)Wicked (B)Gentle (C)Idiot (D)Tiny
Explanation: The words in each pair are opppsite of each other.
61. Bank : River : : Coast : ?
(A)Flood (B)Waves (C)Sea (D)Beach
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Bank is the land beside the river .Similary coast is the land beside the
sea .
62. Flower : Butterfly : : Dirt : ?
(A)Rats (B)Fly (C)Bugs (D)Sweeper
Ans: (B)
Explanation: First attracts the second .
63. Malaria : Disease : : Spear : ?
(A)Wound (B)Sword (C)Weapon (D)Death
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Second denotes the class to which the first belongs to
64. Matricide : Mother : : Homicide : ?
(A)Human (B)Children (C)Father (D)Apes
Ans: (A)
Explanation: First implices killing the second .
65. Food : Stomach : : Fuel : ?
(A)Plane (B)truck (C)Engine (D)Automobile
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Food is processed by the stomach to provide energy for functioning the
body .Similarly Fuel is processed by the engine to provide energy for the functioning
of automobiles .
66. Quail : Partridges : : Yak : ?
(A)Cows (B)Deer (C)Oxen (D)Antelope
Ans : (C)
Explanation: First belongs to the family of second .
67. Engineer : Map : : Bricklayer : ?
(A)Design (B)Template (C)Mould (D)Cement
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Second gives pattern to be followed by the first .
68. Fire : Ashes : : Explosion : ?
(A)Flame (B)Death (C)Sound (D)Debris
Ans: (D)
Explanation: Second is the name given to the remains lef after the first
. 69. Pesticide : Crop : :Antiseptic : ?
(A)Wound (B)Clothing (C)Bandage (D)Bleeding
Ans: (A)
Explanation: Pesicide protects crops from insects and antiseptic protects wound from
germs .
70. King : Throne : : Rider : ?
(A)Seat (B)Horse (C)Saddle (D)Chair
Ans: (C)
Explanation: A king sits on throne and a rider on a saddle .
71. Ocean : Water : : Glacier : ?
(A)Refrigerator (B)Ice (C)Mountain (D)Cave
Explanation: First consists of the second .
72. Reluctant : Keen : : Remarkable : ?
(A)Usual (B)Restrained (C)Striking (D)Evolution
Ans: (A)
Explanation: the words in each pair are antonyms
. 73. Sculptor : Statue : : Poet : ?
(A)Canvas (B)Pen (C)Verse (D)Chisel
Ans: (C)
Explanation: Second is prepared by the first .
74. Fossils : Creatures : : Mummies : ?
(A)Egypt (B)Human beings (C)Animals (D)Martyrs
Ans: (B)
Explanation: Fossils are the remains of the creatures .Similarly mummies are the
remains of human beings .
Directions: There is a certain relation between two given words on one side of : :
and one word is given on another side of : : while another word is to be found from
the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the given pair has.
Select the best alternative.
1. Dog : Rabies : : Mosquito : ?
(a)Plague (b)Death (c)Malaria (d)Sting
Ans: (c)
Exp: The bite of the first causes the second.
2. Man : Biography : : Nation : ?
(a)Leader (b)People (c)Geography (d)History
Ans: (d)
Exp: Second contains the story of the first.
3. Doctor : Diagnosis : : Judge : ?
(a)Court (b)Punishment (c)Lawyer (d)Judgement
Ans: (d)
Exp: The function of a doctor is to diagnose a disease and that of a judge is to
give judgement.
4. Horse : Jockey : : Car : ?
(a)Mechanic (b)Chauffeur (c)Steering (d)Brake
Ans: (b)
Exp: Horse is friven by a jockey .
Similarly,car is driven by a chauffeur.
5. Fog : Visibility : : AIDS : ?
(a)Health (b)Resistance (c)Virus (d)Death
Ans: (b)
Exp: First impairs the second.
6. Porcupine : Rodent : : Mildew :?
(a)Fungus (b)Germ (c)Insect (d)Pathogen
Ans: (a)
Exp: Porcupine is a rodent and mildew is a fungus.
7. Reading : Knowledge : : Work:?
(a)Experience (b)Engagement (c)Employment (d)Experiment
Ans: (a)
Exp: Second is acquired from the first.
8. Scrap : Food : : Lees : ?
(a)Bread (b)Tea (c)Wine (d)Rice
Ans: (c)
Exp: First is the left over of the second.
9. Conscience : Wrong : : Police : ?
(a)Thief (b)Law (c)Discipline (d)Crime
Ans: (d)
Exp: First prevents the second.
10. Cricket : Bat : : Hockey : ?
(a)Field (b)Stick (c)Player (d)Ball
Ans: (b)
Exp: In cricket ball is hit with a bat.
Similarly,in Hockey ,the ball is hit with a stick.
11. Glucose : Carbohydrate : : Soyabean : ? (a)Proteins (b)Vitamins (c)Minerals
Ans: (a)
Exp: Glucose is rich in carbohydrates and Soyabean is rich in proteins.
12. Jeopardy:Peril:: Jealousy:?
Exp:First is a more intense form of the second.
13. Pigeon:Peace::White flag:?
Exp:Pigeon is a symbol of peace and white flag is a symbol of surrender.
14. Teheran:Iran::Beijing:?
Exp:Teheran is the capital of Iran and Beijing is the capital of China.
15. Enough:Excess:Sufficiency:?
Exp:Sufficiency indicates 'enough' and Surplus indicates 'excess.
16. Squint:Eye::Squeeze:?
Exp:To squint is to constrict the eyes and squeeze is to constrict the hands.
17. Hermit:Solitude::Intruder:?
Exp:The words in each pair are synonyms.
18. Tea:Cup::Tobacco:?
Exp:Tea is contained in the cup.
Tobacco is contained cheroot.
19. Market:Demand::Farming:?
(a)Farmer (b)Monsoons(c)Foodgrain(d)Supply
Exp:Market depends on Demand and Farming depends on Monsoons.
20. Skirmush:War::Disease:?
Exp:Second is a more intense form of the first.
21. Wimbledon Trophy:Tennis ::Walker's cup:?
Exp:Wimbledon Trophy is associated with the game of Tennis.
Similarly , Walker's cup is associated with the game of Golf.
22. Skeleton:Body::Grammar:?
Exp:Just as skeleton forms the framework of the body,so also Grammar lays
down the
essentials of language.
23. Atom:Matter::Particle:?
Exp:The smallest unit of matter is atom and that of dust is particle.
24. Disease:Pathology::Planet :?
Exp:Diseases are studied under Pathology.
Similarly,Planets are studied in Astrology.
25. Mature:Regressed :: Varied:?
Exp:The words in each pair are opposites of each other.
26. Wool:Sheep::Mohair:?
Exp:Wool is a fibre obtained from sheep,
Similarly, mohair is a fibre obtained from goat.
27. Man:Machine::Master:?
Exp:Machine is made to work by a man.
Similarly,Slave works under the instructions of his master.
28. Sedative :Pain::Solace:?
(a)Irritation (b)Kill(c)Grief(d)Hurt
Exp:First is the feeling associated with the second.
29. Elegance:Vulgarity::Graceful:?
Exp:The words in each pair are antonyms of each other.
30. Horse:Neigh ::Jackal:?
Exp:Second is the noise produced by the first.
31. Harp:Drum::Flute:?
Exp:The voice of harp is shrill as compared to that of drum.
Flute produces a shrill sound as compared to that of bugle.
32. Imprison:Jail::Exile:?
Exp:the words in each pair are synonyms.
33. Victory:Encouragement::Failure:?
Exp:Victory leads to encouragement and failure brings frustration.
34. Dilatory:Expeditious::Direct:?
Exp:The words in each pair are opposites of each other.
35. Cunning:Fox::Timid:?
Exp:Fox is a cunning animal and ass is a timid animal.
36. Aeroplane:Cockpit::Train:?
Exp:As the pilot of an aeroplane sits in the cockpit,
the driver of a train works in the engine.
37. Major:Battalion::Colonel:?
Exp:As Major heads a battalion,the Colonel commands a regiment.
38. Heart:Pericardium::Brain:?
Exp:Second is a bony protective covering for the first.
39. Crow:Carrion::Leech:?
Exp:First feeds on the second.
40. Insert:Extract::Mighty:?
Exp:The words in each pair are opposites of each other.
41. Perch:Fresh Water::?:Salt water
Exp:A Perch is a fresh water fish.
Similarly, a cod is a salt water fish.
42. Orthologist :Birds::Anthropologist:?
Exp:Ornithologist specialises in the study of birds
Similarly, anthropologist specialises in the study of mankind.
43. Meat :Vegetarian::Liquor:?
Exp:One who abstains from meat is called a vegetarian and
one who abstains from liquor is called a teetotaller.
44. Amber:Yellow::Caramine:?
Exp:Amber is a shade of yellow colour.
Similarly,caramine is a shade of red colour.
45. Wax:Wane::Zenith:?
Exp:The words in each pair are antonyms.
46. Foundation:Edifice::Constitution:?
Exp:First forms the basis of the second.
47. Taxonomy:Classification::Pedology:?
Exp:Taxonomy is the science dealing with classification.
Similarly,pedology deals with study of soils.
48. Nightingale:Warble::Frog:?
Exp:Second is the sound produced by the first.
49. Rondo:Music ::Lay:?
Exp:Rondo is a type of music and lay is a type of song.
50. Deciduous:Willow::Coniferous:?
Exp:Willow is a deciduous tree and spruce is a Coniferous tree.
51. Palaeography:Writings::Ichthyology:?
Exp:Palaeography is the study of ancient writings.
Similarly,Ichthyology is the study of fishes.
Directions: There is a certain relation between two given words on one side of : :
and one word is given on another side of : : while another word is to be found from
the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the given pair has.
Select the best alternative.
1. Painting : Artist : : Symphony : ?
(a)Novelist (b) Poet (c)Essayist (d)Composer
Exp: First is prepared by the second.
2. Pongee : Silk : : Shallot : ?
(a)Boat (b)Building (c)Ship (d)Stream
Ans: (a)
Exp: Pongee is a type of silk and shallot is a kind of boat.
3. Dawn : Dusk : : Inaugaration : ?
(a)Invitation (b)Valediction (c)Repetition (d)Organisation
Ans: (b)
Exp: One is followed by other.
4. Tectonics : Building : : Taxidermy : ?
(a)Classification (b)Conserving (c)Stuffing (d)Collecting
Ans: (c)
Exp: Tectonics is the science dealing with the art of building.
Similarly, taxidermy is the art of stuffing animals.
5. Legend : Story : : Merlin : ?
(a)Hawk (b)Eagle (c)crow (d)Parakeet
Ans: (a)
Exp: First is a type of second.
6. Annihilation : Fire : : Cataclysm : ?
(a)Earthquake (b)Flood (c)Emergency (d)Steam
Ans: (b)
Exp: First is the result of second.
7. Lemur : Monkey : : Rook : ?
(a)Cat (b)Crow (c)Vulture (d)Owl
Ans: (b)
Exp: Lemur belongs to the family of monkey and
rook belongs to the family of crow.
8. Vestry : Church : : Dispensary : ?
(a)Laboratory (b)Hospital (c)School (d)Monastery
Ans: (b)
Exp: Second is a higher institution than the first.
9. Visitor : Invitation : : Witness : ?
(a)Subpoena (b)Permission (c)Assent (d)Document
Ans: (a)
Exp: A Visitor is given an invitation to attend an occasion.
Witness is delivered a subpoena providing for attendance at the court.
10. Mash : Horse : : Mast : ?
(a)Cow (b)Monkey (c)Chimpanze (d)Pig
Ans: (d)
Exp: First is a food for the second.
11. Good : Bad : : Virtue : ?
(a)Blame (b)Sin (c)Despair (d)Vice
Ans: (d)
Exp: The words in each pair are opposites of each other.
12. Igloos : Canada : : Rondavels : ?
(a)Africa (b)Rangoon (c)Russia (d)Indonesia
Ans: (a)
Exp: First is the type of houses most commonly found in the second.
13. Penology : Punishment : : Seismology : ?
(a)Law (b)Liver (c)Earthquakes (d)Medicine
Ans: (c)
Exp: Penology is the study of punishment.
Seismology is is the study of Earthquakes.
14. Noise : Din : : Quiet : ?
(a)Hush (b)Dumb (c)Gag (d)Mouth
Ans: (a)
Exp: second is a more intense form of the first.
15. Touch : Feel : : Greet : ?
(a)Smile (b)Manners (c)Acknowledge (d)Success
Ans: (c)
Exp: Touch is felt and greet is acknowlwdged.
16. Wine : Grapes : : Perry : ?
(a)Whisky (b)Pears (c)Almonds (d)Pomagranates
Ans: (b)
Exp: First is made from the second.
17. Jungle : Zoo : : Sea : ?
(a)Aquarium (b)Harbour (c)Water (d)Fishery
Ans: (a)
Exp: The organisms living in a jungle are artificially reared in a Zoo.
The organisms living in the sea are artificially reared in an aquarium.
18. Primo : Music : : Suburb : ?
(a)Province (b)Country (c)State (d)City
Ans: (d)
Exp: First is a part of the second.
19. Mastic : Gum : : Suet : ?
(a)Milk (b)Fat (c)Hide (d)Fur
Ans: (b)
Exp: Mastic is a gum obtained from plants and suet is a fat obtained from
20. Orgami : paper : : Ikebana : ?
(a)Trees (b)Theatre (c)Flowers (d)Tapestry
Ans: (c)
Exp: First is an art associated with the second.
21. Enterpreneur : Profit : : Scholar : ?
(a)Income (b)Knowledge (c)Service (d)Business
Ans: (b)
Exp: First strives to acquire the second.
22. Nautilus : Fish : : Teal : ?
(a)Chicken (b)Dolphin (c)Duck (d)Pigeon
Ans: (c)
Exp: Nautilus is a type of fish and teal is a type of duck.
23. Bank : Money : : Transport : ?
(a)Goods (b)Road (c)Traffic (d)Speed
Ans: (a)
Exp: Transaction of second is done through the first.
24. Archipelago : Islands : : Massif : ?
(a)Mountains (b)Caves (c)Forests (d)Hillocks
Ans: (a)
Exp: First is a group of the second.
25. Rill : Stream : : Pony : ?
(a)Mare (b)Mule (c)Donkey (d)Horse
Ans: (d)
Exp: Rill is a small stream and pony is a small horse.
26. Calf : Cow : : Puppy : ?
(a)Dog (b)Bitch (c)Horse (d)Donkey
Ans: (b)
Exp: The relationship is that of young one and female parent.
27. Eccrinology : Secretions : : Selenography : ?
(a)Sun (b)Moon (c)Crust (d)Mantle
Ans: (b)
Exp: Eccrinology is the study of secretions and selenography is the study of
28. Coconut : Shell : : Letter : ?
(a)Letter-box (b)Stamp (c)Mail (d)Envelope
Ans: (d)
Exp: First is enclosed inside the second.
29. Roster : Duty : : Inventory : ?
(a)Furnace (b)Exports (c)Goods (d)Produce
Ans: (c)
Exp: Roster is a list of duties and inventory is a list of goods.
30. Hilt : Sword : : Out work : ?
(a)Hippodrome (b)Field (c)Rink (d)Fortness
Ans: (d)
Exp: First is a part of the second
. 31. Anaemia : Blood : : Anarchy : ?
(a)Disorder (b)Monarchy (c)Government (d)lawlessness
Ans: (c)
Exp: Anaemia is the lack of blood.
Similarly,anarchy is the lack of government.
32. Heed : Neglect : :Pacify: ?
(a)Victory (b)Incite (c)Allay (d)War
Ans: (b)
Exp: The words in each pair are opposites of each other.
33. Probe : Wound : : Anemography : ?
(a)Humidity (b)Rainfall (c)Force (d)Pressure
Ans: (c)
Exp: Probe is an instrument to examine a wound.
Similarly,anemogrphy is an instrument for recording force.
34. Loiter : Dwandle : : Impugn : ?
(a)Challenge (b)Gamble (c)Confiscate (d)Revenge
Ans: (a)
Exp: The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.
35. Oasis : Sand : : Island : ?
(a)River (b)Sea (c)Water (d)Waves
Ans: (c)
Exp: Oasis is a water pool amidst sand.
Similarly, island is a place of land amidst water.
36. Anatomy : Zoology : : Paediatrics : ? (a)Chemistry (b)Medicine
(c)Palaeontology (d)Mechanics
Ans: (b)
Exp: Anatomy is a branch of zoology.
Similarly,Paediatrics is a branch of medicine.
37. War : Death : : Smoke : ?
(a)Burning (b)Pollution (c)Fire (d)Cigaratte
Ans: (b)
Exp: Second is the result of the first.
38. Scout : Army : : Clerk : ?
(a)Office (b)Files (c)Officer (d)Administration
Ans: (a)
Exp: Work of the second at the lowest level is performed by the first.
39. Winter : Hibernation : : Summer : ?
(a)Survival (b)Activation (c)Aestivation (d)Cache
Ans: (c)
Exp: Winter sleep of animals is called hibernation and summer sleep is called
40. Sports : Logo : : Nation : ?
(a)Anthem (b)Ruler (c)Animal (d)Emblem
Ans: (d)
Exp: Second is a symbol of the first.
41. Vegetable : Chop : : Body : ?
(a)Cut (b)Amputate (c)Peel (d)Prume
Ans: (b)
Exp: Cutting of vegetables is called chopping.
Cutting off a body part is called amputating.
42. Mountain : Valley : : Genius : ?
(a)Brain (b)Idiot (c)Think (d)Intelligence
Ans: (b)
Exp: The words in each pain are opposites of each other.
43. Misogamy : Marriage : : Misogyny : ?
(a)Children (b)Husband (c)Relation (d)Women
Ans: (d)
Exp: First is a hatred for the second.
44. Eye : Wink : : Heart : ?
(a)Move (b)Throb (c)Pump (d)Ouiver
Ans: (b)
Exp: Second denotes the activity of the first.
45. Wine : Grapes : : Vodka : ?
(a)Potatoes (b)Apples (c)Oranges (d)Flour
Ans: (d)
Exp: First is prepared from the second.
46. Calender : Dates : : Dictionary : ?
(a)Vocabulary (b)Language (c)Words (d)Book
Ans: (c)
Exp: Calender is a list of dates.
Likewise,dictionary is a collection words.
47. Novice : Learner : : Harbinger : ?
(a)Messenger (b)Thief (c)Pickpocket (d)Robber
Ans: (a)
Exp: The words in each pair are synonyms.
48. Sikkim : Gangtok : : Manipur : ?
(a)Dispur (b)Cherapunji (c)Shillong (d)Imphal
Ans: (a)
Exp: Gangtok is the capital of Sikkim and Imphal is the capital of Manipur.
49. Line : Square : : Arc : ?
(a)Ring (b)Sphere (c)Circle (d)Ball
Ans: (c)
Exp: First is a part of the second.
50. Convoy : Ships : : Deputation : ?
(a)Voters (b)Representation (c)Politicians (d)Writers
Ans: (b)
Exp: First is a group of second , employed for a certain purpose.
51. Training : Leather : : Pyrotechnics : ?
(a)Wool (b)Fireworks (c)Bombs (d)Machinery
Ans: (b)
Exp: First is the process of manufacturing the second.
52. Shark : Fish : : Lavender : ?
(a)Shrub (b)Tree (c)Herb (d)Climber
Ans: (a)
Exp: Shark is a fish and Lavender is a shrub.
53. Circle : Circumference : : Square : ?
(a)Volume (b)Area (c)Diagonal (d)Perimeter
Ans: (d)
Exp: Second is a measure of the boundary of the first.
54. Oriel : Room : : Tendon : ?
(a)Blood (b)Muscles (c)Veins (d)Liver
Ans: (b)
Exp: First is a part of the second.
55. Car : Petrol : : Televison : ?
(a)Electricity (b)Transmission (c)Entertainment (d)Antenna
Ans: (a)
Exp: A car runs on petrol and a televison works by electricity.
56. Applique : Ornament : : Impound : ?
(a)Confiscate (b)Powder (c)Grab (d)Snatch
Ans: (a)
Exp: The given words are synonyms of each other.
57. Pig : Farrow :: Dog : ?
(a)Mare (b)Pappy (c)Bitch (d)Colt
Ans: (b)
Exp: Second is the young one of the first.
58. Mattock : Dig : : Shoval :?
(a)Break (b)Push (c)Scoop (d)Whittle
Ans: (c)
Exp: Mattock is a tool to dig hard ground
Similarly, Shoval is a tool to scoop.
59. Knoll : Hill : : Eclogue : ?
(a)Poem (b)Music (c)Drama (d)Ballad
Ans: (a)
Exp: Knoll is a small hill and eclogue is a short poem.
60. Receptionist : Office : : Hostess : ?
(a)Aircraft (b)Crew (c)Hospital (d)Airport
Ans: (a)
Exp: First attends the clients in the second.
61. Seismography : Earthquake : : Taseometer : ?
(a)Volcanoes (b)Resistances (c)Landslides (d)Strains
Ans: (d)
Exp: Seismography is an instrument to measure the intensity of an earthquake.
Similarly, taseometer is an instrument to measure strains.
62. Dum Dum : Calcutta : : Palam : ?
(a)Kerala (b)Delhi (c)Madras (d)Bombay
Ans: (b)
Exp: Dum Dum is an airport in Calcutta and Palam is an airport in Delhi.
63. Foresight : Anticipation : : Insomnia : ?
(a)Diamond (b)Iron (c)Sleeplessness (d)Gems
Ans: (c)
Exp: The words in each pair are synonyms.
Excercise D
Directions: In each of the following questions,there is a certain relationship
between two given words on one side of : : and one word is given on another side of
: :while another word is to be found from the given alternatives,having the same
relation with this word as the words of the given pair bear. Choose the correct
1. Doctor : Patient : : Lawyer : ?
(A)Customer (B)Accused (C)Magistrate (D)Client
Ans : (D)
Explanation : First works for the second .
2. Museum : Curator : : Prison : ?
(A)Manager (B)Mountain (C)Jailor (D)Warden
Ans : (C)
Explanation : First is managed by the second .
3. Soap : Wash : : Broom : ?
(A)Clean (B)Dust (C)Sweep (D)Floor
Ans : (C)
Explanation : Second denotes the function of the first .
4. Wax : Grease : : Milk : ?
(A)Drink (B)Ghee (C)Curd (D)Protein
Ans : (C)
Explanation : First is used to prepare the second .
5. Bread : Bakery : : Brick : ?
(A)Mint (B)Kiln (C)Furnace (D)Mine
Ans : (B)
Explanation : Second is the place where first id manufactured .
6. Sword : Slaughter : : Scalpel : ?
(A)Murder (B)Stab (C)Surgery (D)Chopping
Ans : (C)
Explanation : Second denotes the purpose for which the first is used .
7. Life : Autobiography : : Witness : ?
(A)Paper (B)Truth (C)Documents (D)Acceptance
Ans : (C)
Explanation : Second contains an amount of the first .
8. Chef : Restaurant : : Druggist : ?
(A)Medicine (B)Pharmacy (C)Store (D)Chemist
Ans : (B)
Explanation : Second is the working place of the first .
(A)Blue (B)Orange (C)Red (D)Yellow
Ans : (C)
Explanation : Jude is Green precious stone and garnet is a red precious stone .
10. Dancer : Stage : : Minister : ?
(A)Pulpit (B)Assembly (C)Parliament (D)State
Ans : (A)
Explanation : Second is the place for the first to perform on .
11. Ecology : environment : : Histology : ?
(A)Fossils (B)History (C)Tissues (D)Hormones
Ans : (C)
Explanation : Ecology deals with the study of environment .Similarly Histology
deals with the study of tissues .
12. Life : Death : : Hope : ?
(A)Sad (B)Despair (C)Pain (D)Cry
Ans : (B)
Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .
13. Hooke : Cells : : Mulder : ?
(A)Carbohydrates (B)Minerals (C)Vitamins (D)Proteins
Ans : (D)
Explanation : Hooke discovered the cells .Similarly Mulder discovered the
. 14. Needle : Thread : : Pen : ?
(A)Ink (B)Cap (C)Paper (D)Word
Ans : (A)
Explanation : Second is required for the working of the first .
15. Auger : Carpenter : : Awl : ?
(A)Sculptor (B)Cobbler (C)Chef (D)Mason
Explanation : First is a the tool used by the second .
16. Birds : Aviary : : Bees : ?
(A)Aquarium (B)Hive (C)Brewery (D)Apiary
Ans : (d)
Explanation : Second denotes the place where first kept and reared .
17. Resign : Politician : : Abdicate : ?
(A)Prince (B)King (C)Realm (D)throne
Ans : (B)
Explanation : First denotes the act of leaving the post of the second willingly .
18. Scissors : Cloth : : Scythe : ?
(A)Wood (B)Steel (C)Grass (D)Paper
Ans : (C)
Explanation : First is used to cut the second .
19. Garden : Trowel : : Seamstress : ?
(A)Saw (B)Scissors (C)Sneakers (D)Crowbar
Ans : (B)
Explanation : Second is the tool used by the first .
20. Prose : Writing : : lisp : ?
(A)Reading (B)Music (C)Speach (D)Drawing
Ans : (C)
Explanation : First is the type of the second .
21. Cub : Tiger : : Fawn : ?
(A)Stag (B)Monkey (C)Ass (D)Sheep
Ans : (A)
Explanation :Firsts is the young one of the second .
(A)Constellation (B)Asteroid (C)Galaxy (D)Meteor
Ans : (A)
Explanation : Sirius is a star and cygnus is a constellation .
23. Radical : Moderate : : Revolution : ?
(A)Change (B)Choas (C)Peace (D)Reformation
Ans : (C)
Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .
24. Mathematics : Numbers : : History : ?
(A)People (B)Events (C)Dates (D)Wars
Ans : (B)
Explanation : Mathematics is the theory of numbers and history is the theory of
past events .
25. Bag : Luggage : : Ship : ?
(A)Coal (B)Stock (C)Cargo (D)Weight
Ans : (C)
Explanation : Second is the load carried by the first .
26. Anthropology : Man : : Anthology : ?
(A)Nature (B)Trees (C)Apes (D)Poems
Ans : (D)
Explanation : Anthropology deals with the study of man .Similarly Anthology
deals with the collection of poems.
27. Chatter : Teeth : : ? : Leaves
(A)Whistle (B)Ripple (C)Rustle (D)Cackle
Ans : (C)
Explanation : First is the noise produced by the second .
28. Loin : Prowl : :Bear : ?
(A)Frisk (B)Lumber (C)Stride (D)Bound
Ans : (B)
Explanation : Second is the manner of walking of the first .
29. Mirror : Reflection : : Water : ?
(A)Conduction (B)Dispersion (C)Immersion (D)Refractions
Ans : (D)
Explanation : light rays falling on a mirror undergo reflection and those falling on
water undergo refraction .
30. Firm : Flabby : : Piquant : ?
(A)Bland (B)Salty (C)Pleasant (D)Small
Ans : (A)
Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .
31. Wood : Ghacoad : :Coal : ?
(A)Fire (B)Smoke (C)Coke (D)Ash
Ans : (C)
Explanation : Second is obtained from the first .
32. Drama : Scene : : Book : ?
(A)Story (B)Page (C)Chapter (D)Author
Ans : (C)
Explanation : Second is a unit of first .
33. Betel : Chew : : Football : ?
(A)Play (B)Run (C)Roll (D)Kick
Ans : (D)
Explanation : First is the object and second is the action performed on it .
34. Motorcycle : Battery : : Life : ?
(A)Earth (B)Sun (C)Moon (D)Star
Ans : (B)
Explanation : Second is the ultimate source for the first .
35. Cyclone : Anticyclone : : Flood : ?
(A)Devastation (B)Havoc (C)River (D)Drought
Ans : (D)
Explanation : Both create opposite conditions .
36. Happiness : Sarrow : : Comfort : ?
(A)Hardship (B)Rest (C)Poverty (D)Difficult
Ans : (A)
Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .
37. Appreciation : Reward : : Disgrace : ?
(A)Crime (B)Guilt (C)Allegation (D)Punishment
Ans : (D)
Explanation : Second brings the first .
38. Retirement : Service : : Dismissal : ?
(A)Agreement (B)Communication (C)Employment (D)Adoption
Ans : (C)
Explanation : First terminates the second .
39. Naphthalene : Woolen : : Antibiotic : ?
(A)Germs (B)Immunity (C)Diseases (D)Body
Ans : (D)
Explanation : First is used to protect the second from attack by germs and insects .
40. Drummer : Orchestra : : Minister : ?
(A)Voter (B)Constituency (C)Cabinet (D)Department
Ans : (C)
Explanation : First is the member of the second .
41. Sugar : Molasses : : Gasoline : ?
(A)Mine (B)Quarry (C)Drill (D)Petroleum
Ans : (D)
Explanation : First is obtained from the second .
42. Starvation : Nutrition : : Exhaustation : ?
(A)Energy (B)Bravery (C)Freshness (D)Courage
Ans : (A)
Explanation : The first denotes the lack of second .
43. Ballworn : Cotton : :Ghundibug : ?
(A)Wheat (B)Rice (C)Millet (D)Tomato
Ans : (B)
Explanation : First is a pest that damages the second .
44. Accident : Carefulness : : Disease : ?
(A)Sanitation (B)Treatment (C)Medicine (D)Doctor
Ans : (A)
Explanation :Lack of second results in first .
45. Annotate : Text : : Caption : ?
(A)Novel (B)Law (C)Film (D)Photograph
Ans : (D)
Explanation : First is a comment on the second .
46. Physiology : Biology : : Metaphysics : ?
(A)Physics (B)Statistics (C)Mathematics (D)Philosophy
Ans : (D)
Explanation : Physiology is branch of biology .Similarly mathematics is a branch
of philosophy .
47. Highbrow : Cultivated : : Suave : ?
(A)Elegant (B)Urbane (C)Stylish (D)Broad-minded
Ans : (B)
Explanation : The words in each pair are synonyms .
(A)Insinuate (B)Reject (C)Convince (D)Deny
Ans : (A)
Explanation : Affirm is to confirm a change and Hint is to point at something
Similarly Charge means to blame and Insinuate means to suggest indirectly .
49. Author : Book : : Choreographer : ?
(A)Drama (B)Ballet (C)Masque (D)Opera
Ans : (B)
Explanation : First composes the second .
50. thick : Thin : : Idle : ?
(A)Virtuous (B)Business (C)Industrious (D)Activity
Ans : (C)
Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .
51. Gents : Cap : : Ladies : ?
(A)Scarf (B)Hat (C)Handkerchief (D)Hair band
Ans : (A)
Explanation : Second is worn by the first on the head .
52. Lumberjack : Axe : : Chef : ?
(A)Bow (B)Poker (C)Chisel (D)Colander
Ans : (D)
Explanation : Second is the tool used by the first .
53. Bread : Wheat : : Brick : ?
(A)Clay (B)Fire (C)Cement (D)Building
Ans : (A)
Explanation : Second is used to make the first
54. Scrupulous : Principles : : Ethical : ?
(A)Morals (B)Virtues (C)Religions (D)Profits
Ans : (A)
Explanation : When one abides by the second ,he is said to be the first by the
nature .
55. Wince : Pain : : Prostration : ?
(A)Discomfiture (B)Frustration (C)Submissiveness (D)Strained
Ans : (C) Explanation : First is the sigh of the second . 56. Coherent :
Consistent : : Irate : ? (A)Unreasonable (B)Unhappy (C)Irritated (D)Angry
Ans : (D)
Explanation : The words in each pair are synonyms .
57. Book : Magazine : : Newspaper : ?
(A)Journal (B)News (C)Article (D)Headline
Ans : (A)
Explanation : Second contains smaller articles of the same nature as the first .
58. Tungsten : Filament : : Bronze : ?
(A)Copper (B)Ships (C)Tin (D)Ornaments
Ans : (D)
Explanation : First is used to make the second .
59. Claymore : Sword : : Beretta : ?
(A)Club (B)Axe (C)Knife (D)Gun
Ans : (D)
Explanation : The first is the type of the second .
60. Indolence : Work : : Taciturn : ?
(A)Observe (B)Speak (C)Cheat (D)Act
Ans : (B)
Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .
61. Afaoetoxin : Food poison : : Histamine : ?
(A)Allergy (B)Headache (C)Anthrax (D)Contamination
Ans : (A)
Explanation : First causes the second .
62. Bald : Blond : : Barren : ?
(A)Vegetation (B)Farm (C)Fertile (D)Inhabited
Ans : (C)
Explanation : The words in each pair are antonyms of each other .
63. Catalogue : Library Books : :Index : ?
(A)Chapter (B)Books (C)Preface (D)Contents
Ans : (D)
Explanation : Catalogue is an arranged list to find the names of the library
books.Similarly Index is an arranged list of contents.
64. Tobaco : Nerves : : Alcohol : ?
(A)Liver (B)Liquor (C)Intoxication (D)Head
Ans : (A)
Explanation : Consumption of first adversely affects the second .
65. Man : Shout : : Crow : ?
(A)Cow (B)Chirp (C)Multer (D)Mob
Ans : (D)
Explanation :Second is the noisy sound produced by the first
ROOT : Roots are basic words which have
been carried over into english.
STEMS : Stems are variations of roots
brought about by changes in declerision or
A suffixe is a syllable that is added to a
word.Occasionally, it changes the meaning of the
word. More frequently it serves to change the
grammatical form of the word (noun to adjective,
adjective to noun , noun to verb).
Noncommittal :- Undecided
Viceroy :- Governor acting in place of a king
ac,acr sharp
Acrimonious-Bitter ,
Acerbity-Bitterness of
acidulate-Make somewhat
acid sour
aev,ev age,era
Primeval:-Of the age
Coeval:-Of the same age
or era
Medieval (or) mediaeval:-
of the middle ages
ag , act to do
Act:- Deed
agog leader
Demagogue :- False leader
of people
Pedagogue :- Teacher (
Leader of Children )
agri , agrari field
Agrarian :- One who
works in the field
Agriculture :- Cultivation
of fields
Peregrination :-
Wandering (through
ali another
Alias :- Assumed
(another) name
Alienate :- Estrange (turn
away from another)
alt high
Altitude :- Height
Altimeter :- Instrument for
measuring height
alter other
Altruistic :- Unselfish,
considering others
Alter ego :- A second self
am love
Amorous :- Loving ,
especially sexually
Amity :- Friendship
Amicable :- Friendly
anim mind, soul
Animadvert :- Cast
criticism upon
Unanimous :- Of one
Magnanimity :- Greatness
of mind or soul
ann , enn year
Annuity :- Yearly
Biennial :- Every two
Perennial :- Present all
year; persisting for several
anthrop human beings
Anthropology :- Study of
human beings
Misanthrope :- Hater of
human kind
Philanthropy :- Love of
human kind ; charity
apt fit Aptitude :- Skill
Adapt :- Make suitable
(or) fit
aqua water
Aqueduct :- Passageway
for conducting water
Aquatic :- Living in water
Aquafortis :- Nitric Acid
(strong water)
arch ruler, first
Archaeology :- Study of
antiquities (study of first
Monarch :- Sole ruler
Anarchy :- Lack of
aster star
Astronomy :- Study of the
Asterisk :- Star like
character (*)
Disaster :- Catastrophe
(contrary star)
aud , audit to hear
Audiable :- Able to be
Auditorium :- Place where
people may be heard
Audience :- hearness
auto self
Autocracy :- Rule by one
person (self)
Automobile :- Vehicle that
moves by itself
Autobiography :- Story of
one's own life
belli war
bellicose :- Inclined to
Belligerent :- Inclined to
wage war
Rebellious :- Resisting
ben , bon good
Benefactor :- One who
does good deeds
Benevolence :- Charity
(wishing good)
Bonus :- Something extra
above regular pay
biblio book
Bibliography :- List of
Bibliophile :- Lover of
Bible :- The book
bio life
Biography :- writing about
a person's life
Biology :- Study of living
Biochemist :- Student of
the chemistry of living
breve short
Brevity :- Briefness
Abbreviate :- Shorten
Breviloquent :- Marked by
brevity of speech
cad , cas to fall
Decadent :- Deteriorating.
Cadence :- intonation ,
musical movement
Cascade :- Waterfall
cap , capt , cept , cip to take
Capture :- Seize
Participate :- Take part
Precept :- Wise saying
(Originally a command)
capit , capt head
Decapitate :- Remove (cut
off) someone's head
Captain :- Chief
carn flesh
Carnivorous :- Flesh
Carnage :- Destruction of
Carnal :- Fleshly
ced , cess to yield , to go
Recede :- Go back ,
Antecedent :- That which
goes before process , go
celer swift
Celerity :- Swiftness
Decelerate :- Reduce
Accelerate :- Increase
cent one hundred
Century :- One hundred
Centennial :- One
hundredth anniversary
Centipede :- Many –
footed ,wingless animal
chron time
Chronology :- Timetable
of events
Anachronism :- A thing
out of time sequence
Chronicle :- Register
events in order of time
cid , cis to cut , to kill
Incision :- A cut (surgical)
Homicide :- Killing of a
human being
Fratricide :- Killing of a
cit , citat to call , to start
Incite :- Stir up , Start up
Excite :- Stir up
Recitation :- A recalling
civi citizen
Civilization :- Society of
citizens, culture
Civilian :- Member of
Civil :- Courteous
clam , clamat to cry out
Clamorous :- Loud
Declamation :- Speech
Acclamation :- Shouted
claud , claus , clos , clud to close
Claustrophobia :- Fear of
close places
Enclose :- Close in
Conclude :- Finish
cognosc, cognit to learn
Agnostic :- Lacking
knowledge , Skeptical
Incognito :- Traveling
under assumed name
Cognition :- Knowledge
compl to fill
Complete :- Filled out
Complement :- That
which completes
Comply :- Fulfill
cord heart
Accord :- Agreement
(from the heart)
Cordial :- Friendly
Discord :- Lack of
corpor body
Incorporate :- Organize
into a body
Corporeal :- Pertaining to
the body , fleshly
Corpse :- Dead body
cred , credit to believe
Incredulous :- Not
believing, Skeptical.
Credulity :- Gullibility
Credence :- Belief
cur to care
Curator :- Person who has
the care of something
Sinecure :- Position
without responsibility
Secure :- Safe.
curr , curs to run
Excursion :- Journey
Cursory :- Brief
Precursor :- Fore Runner
da , dat to give
Data :- Facts , Statistics
Mandate :- Command
Date :- Given time
deb , debit to owe
Debt :- Something owed
Indebtedness :- Debt
Debenture :- Bond
dem people
Democracy :- Rule of the
Demagogue :- False leader
of the people
Epidemic :- Widespread (
among the people )
derm skin
Epidermis :- Skin
Pachyderm :- Thick
skinned quadruped
Dermatology :- Study of
skin and its disorders
di , diur day
Diary :- A diary record of
activities , feelings etc.
Diurnal :- Pertaining to
day time
dic , dict to say
Abdicate :- Renounce
Diction :- Speech
Verdict :- Statement of
doc , doct to teach
Docile :- Obedient ; Easily
Document :- Something
that provides evidence
Doctor :- Learned Person
(Originally teacher)
domin to rule
Dominate :- Have power
Domain :- Land under rule
Dominant :- Prevailing
duc , duct to lead
Viaduct :- Arched
Aqueduct :- Artificial
meta involving change
Metamorphosis :- change
of form
micro small
Microcosm :- Miniature
Microscopic :- Extremely
mis hatred Misanthrope :- Person
who hates mankind
Misogynist :- Person who
hates women
mono one
Monarchy :- Government
ruling by one person
Monotheism :- Belief in
one god
multi many
Multifarious :- Having
many parts.
Multitudinous :-
neo new
Neologism :- Newly
coined word
Neophyte :- Beginner ,
non not
ob, oc, of, op against
Oboloquy :- Infamy ,
Occlude :- Close , block
Offend :- Insult
Opponent :- Someone who
struggles against
olig few
Oligarchy :- Government
ruling by few ones
pan all , every
Panacea :- Cure all
Panorama :- Gnob
structured view in all
para beyond , related
Parallel :- Similar
Paraphrase :- Restate ,
through ,
Permeable :- Allowing
passage through
Pervade :- Spread
peri around , near
Perimeter :- Outer
Periphery :- Edge
poly many
Polyglot :- Speaking
several languages
post after Posthumous :- After death
pre before
Preamble :- Introducing
Premonition :-
prim first
Primordial :- Existing at
the down of time
Primogeniture :- State of
being the first born
forward , in
favour of
Propulsive :- Driving
Proponent :- Supporter
proto first
Prototype :- First of its
pseudo FALSE Pseudonym :- Pen name
re again , back
Reiterate :- Repeat
Reimburse :- Pay back
retro backward
Retrospect :- Looking
Retroactive :- Effective as
of a past date
se away , aside
Secede :- Withdraw
Seclude :- Shut away
semi half , partly
Semiconscious :- Partly
sub , suc, suf,sug,
under , less
Subjugate :- Bring under
Succumb :- Yield , close
to resist
Suffuse :- Spread through
Suggest :- Hint
Suppress :- Put down by
Suspend :- Delay.
super , sur over , above
Super natural :- Above
natural things
. Surtax :- Additional tax.
syn , sym , syl , sys with , together
Synchronize :- Time
Sympathize :- Pity ;
Identify with
Syllogism :- Explanation
of how ideas relate
System :- Network
tele far
Telegraphic :-
Communicated over a
trans across Transport :- Carry across
beyond ,
Ultracritical :-
Exceedingly critical
un not
Unkenpt :- Not combed;
under below
Underling :- Someone
uni one
Unison :- Oneness of pitch
; complete accord
vice in place of
with away , against
Withstand :- Stand up
against ; resist
magn great
Magnify :- Enlarge
Magnanimity :-
Generosity , greatness of
Magnitude :- Greatness ,
mal bad
Malevolent :- Wishing
Malediction :- Curse
Malefactor :- Evil-doer
man hand
Manufacture :- Create (
make by hand )
Manuscript :- Written by
Emancipate :- Free (let go
from the hand)
mater , matr mother
Maternal :- Pertaining to
Matriarch :- Female ruler
of a family , group , or
Matrilineal :- Descended
on the mother's side
mit , miss to send
Missile :- Projectile
Dismiss :- Send away
Transmit :- Send across
mon , monit to warn
Admonish :- Warn
Premonition :- Foreboding
Monitor :- Watcher
mori , mort to die
Mortuary :- Funeral parlor
Moribund :- Dying
Immortal :- Not dying
nav ship
Navigate :- Sail a ship
Circumnavigate :- Sail
around the world
Naval :- Pertaining to
nomen name
Nomenclature :- Act of
naming , terminology
Nominal :- In name only (
as opposed to actual )
Cognomen :- Surname ,
Distinguishing nickname
oper to work
Operate :- Work
Cooperation :- Working
path disease , feeling
Pathology :- Study of
diseased tissue
Apathetic :- Lacking
feeling ; Indifferent
Antipathy :- Hostile
ped child
Pedagogue :- Teacher of
Pediatrician :- Children's
pel , puls to drive
Compulsion :- A forcing
to do
Repel :- Drive back
Expel :- Drive out ,
pet , petit to seek
Petition :- Request.
Appetite :- Craving ,
Compete :- Vie with
pon,posit to place
Postpone :- Place after
Positive :- Definite ,
Unquestioned (definitely
port, portat to carry
Portable :- Able to be
Transport :- Carry across
Psych mind
Psychology :- Study of the
sacr holy
Sacrilegious :- Impious ,
Violating , Something
Sacrament :- Religious act
sci to know
Omniscient :- Knowing all
Conscious :- Aware
scope to watch , to see
Periscope :- Device for
seeing around corners
Microscope :- Device for
seeing small objects
scrib , script to write
Transcribe :- Make a
written copy
Script :- Written text
sect cut
Dissect :- Cut apart
Bisect :- Cut into two
sed , sess to sit
Sedentary :- Inactive
sent , sens to think , to feel
Resent :- Show
Sensitive :- Showing
sequi , secut , seque to follow
Consecutive :- Following
in order
Sequence :- Arrangement
Sequel :- That which
Nonswquitar :- Something
that does not follow
solv,solut to loosen
Absolve :- Free from
Dissolute :- Morally lax
spec ,spect , spic to look at
Spectator :- Observer
Circumspect :- Cautious
(looking around)
Despicable :- Detestable
(deserving to be looked
down on)
Perspicacity :- Clear
string , strict bind
Stringent :- Strict
Stricture :- Limit ,
something that restrains
tang , tact, ting to touch
Tangent :- Touching
Contact :- Touching with ,
Contingent :- Depending
temper time
Contemporary :- At same
ten , tent to hold
Tenable :- Able to be held
Retentive :- Holding ;
Having a good memory
term end
Interminable :- Endless
Terminate :- End
tors , tort to twist
Distort :- Twist out of true
shape (or) meaning
Torsion :- Act of twisting
tract to drag , to pull
Distract :- Pull (one's
attention) away
Intractable :- Stubborn,
Unable to be dragged
trud , trus to push , to share
Intrude :- Push one's way
Protrusion :- Something
sticking out
vac empty
Vacuous :- Lacking
content, empty-headed
Evaccate :- Compel to
empty an area
vad , vas to go
Invade :- Enter in a hostile
Evasive :- Not frank ;
veni , vent, ven to come
Intervene :- Come
Prevent :- Stop
Convention :- Meeting
ver TRUE
Veracious :- Truthful
Verisimilitude :-
Appearance of truth
verb to see
Vision :- Sight
Evidence :- Things seen
able , ible
capable of
(adjective suffix)
Portable :- Able to be
Legible :- Able to be read
ac , ic
like , pertaing to
(adjective suffix)
Cardiac :- Pertaing to the
Aquatic :- Pertaing to the
acious , icious
full of (adjective
Audacious :- Full of
Avaricious :- Full of greed
pertaining to
(adjective or
noun sufffix)
Maniacal :- Insane
Portal :- Door way
Logical :- Petaining to
ant , ent
full of (adjective
of noun suffix )
Eloquent :- Pertaining to
fluid , effective speech
Suppliant :- Pleader
(person full of requests)
Verdant :- Green
like, connected
woth (adjective
or noun suffix)
Dictionaruy :-Book
connected with words
Honorary :- With honor
Luminary :- Celestial
to make ( verb
Consecrate :-- To make
Enervate :- To make
Mitigate :- To make less
that which is
(noun suffix)
Exasperation :- Irritation
Irritation :- Annoyance
state of being
(noun suffix)
Democracy :- Government
ruled by the people
Obstinacy :-Stubbornness
eer , er , or
person who
(noun suffix)
Person who rebess :-
Lecher :- Person who lasts
Cersor :- Person who
deletes improper remarks
(adjective suffix)
Eranescent :- Tending to
Pubescent :- Arriving at
making , doing
(adjective suffix)
Terrific :- Arousing great
Sporitic :- Causing sleep
to make (verbal
Magnify :- Enlarge
Petrify :- Turn to stone
Producing ,
Pestiferous :- Carrying
Vociferous :- Bearing a
loud voice
ill , ile
pertaing to ,
capable of
(adjective suffix)
Puerile :- Pertaing to a boy
Civil :- Polite (or) child
dynam Power,strength
dynamite-powerful explosive
dynamo-engine making electric power
Ego I
Egoist-person who is self-centered
egotist-selfish person
egocentric-revolving about self
Erg,urg Work
ergatocracy-rule of the workers
metallurgy-science & technology of metals
Err To wander
erratic-not reliable,wandering
knight errant- wandering knight
Eu Good,well,beautiful
Eupeptic-having good digestion
euphemism-pleasant way of saying something
Fac,fic,fec,fect To make,to do
Factory-place where things are made
fiction-manufactured story
affect-cause to change
Fall,fals To deceive
infallible-not prone to error,perfect
Fer,lat To bring,to bear
Transfer-bring from one place to another
translate-bring from one language to another
conifer-bearing cones,as pine trees
Fid Belief,faith
Infidel-non believer,heathen
Fin End,limit
Confine-keep within limits
finite-having definite limits
Flect,flex To bend
Flexible-able to bend
deflect-bend away,turn aside
Fort Luck,chance
Fortuitous-accidental, occuring by chance
Venter,ventris Belly
Ventral-referring to the front or belly side
ventricular-pertaining to one of the chambers of
the heart
Somnus Sleep
Somnambulistic-pertaining to sleepwalking
insomnious-unable to fall asleep
Fort Strong
Fortitude-strength,firmness of mind
Frag,fract To break
Fragile-easily broken
infraction-breaking of a rule
fractious-unruly,tendind to break rules
Fug To flee
Fugitive-someone who flees
refuge-shelter,home for someone fleeing
Fus To pour
Effusive-gushing,pouring out
diffuse-wide spread(poured in many directions)
Gam Marriage
Polygamy-having many wives or husbands at the
same time
Gen,gener Class,race
Genus-group of animals or plants with similar
generic-characteristic of a class
gender-class organized by sex
Grad,gress To go,to step
Digress-go astray(from the main point)
regress-go backward
gradual-step by step
Graph,gram Writing
Epigram-pithy statement
telegram-instantaneous message over great
stenography-short hand(writing narrowly)
Greg Flock,herd
Gregarious-tending to group together as in a herd
egregious-conspicuously bad;shocking
Helio Sun
Heliotrope-flower that faces the sun
heliograph-instrument that uses the sun’s rays to
send signals
It,itiner Journey,road
Exit-way out
itinerary-plan of journey
Jac,jact,jec To throw
Projectile-missile;something thrown forward
trajectory-path taken by thrown object
ejaculatory-casting or throwing out
Jur,jurat To swear
Perjure-testify falsely
jury-group of men & women sworn to seek the
adjuration-solemn urging
Labor,laborat To work
Laboratory-place where work is done
collaborate-work together with others
Leg,lect,lig To choose,to read
legible-able to be read
eligible-able to be selected
Leg Law
Legislature-law_making body
Liber,libr Book
Library-collection of books
libretto-the “book” of a musical play
Liber Free
Liberation-the fact of setting free
Log Word,study
Entomology-study of insects
etymology-study of word parts and derivations
momologue-speech by one person
Loqu,locut To talk
Soliloquy-speech by one individual
Luc Light
translucent-allowing some light to pass throughv
In,il,im,ir In,on,upon
Invite-call in
illustration-something that makes clear
irradiate-shine upon
Inter Between,among
Intervene-come between
interjection-a statement thrown in
Intra,intro Within
Intramural-within a school
introvert-person who turns within himself
Macro Large,long
Macrobiotic-tending to prolong life
macrocosm-the great world(the entire universe)
Mega Great,million
Megalomania-delusions of grandeur
megaton-explosive force of a million tons of TNT
Dis,dif Not,apart
Discord-lack of harmony
disagree-carry apart
Dys Faulty,bad
Dyslexia-faulty ability to read
Ex,e Out
Expel-drive out
eject-throw out
Extra,extro Beyond,outside
Extracurricular-beyond the curriculum
extrovert-person intrested chiefly in external
objects & actions
Hyper Above,excessively
hyper ventilate-breathes at an excessive rate
Hypo Beneath,lower Hypoglycemia-low blood sugar
In,il,im,ir Not
inarticulate-not clear
illegible-not readable
impeccable-not capable of sinning,flawless
irrevocable-not able to be called back
Cata Down
catapult-hurl(throw down)
Circum Around
Circumnavigate-sail around
circumspect-cautious(looking around)
Com,co,col,con,cor With,together
Combine-merge with
Contra,contro Against
Contravene-conflict with
De Down,away
Debase-lower in value
Demi Partly,half Demigod-partly divine being
Di Two
Dichotomy-division into two parts
dilemma-choice between two bad alternatives
Dia Across
Diagonal-across a figure
diameter-distance across a circle
Ab,abs From,away from
Abduct-lead away
Ad,ac,af,ag,an,,as,at To,forward
Ambi Both
Ambiguous,ambivalent-having two conflicting
An,a Without
Anarchy-lack of government
amoral-with out moral sense
Ante Before
Antecedent-preceding event
Anti Against,opposite
antithetical-exactly opposite
Arch Chief,first
archibishop-chief bishop
Be Over,thoroughly
Bedaub-smear over
befuddle-confuse thoroughly
Bi Two Bicameral-composed of two houses(congress)
Venter,ventris Belly
ventral-referring to the front or belly side
Loquor To speak Loquacity
Auris Ear Auricle,
Fero To bear,carry
Vociferous-rejoinder carries a lot of voice
somniferous-carrying or bringing sleep
Avunculus Uncle Avuncular-like an uncle;protective
Dorsum Back
Dorsal-referring to the back side
Vox,vocis Voice
vociferate-say loudly and with great vehemence
Somnus Sleep
somnambulistic-pertaining to sleep walking
insomnious-unable to fall asleep
Ambulo To walk
Ambulatory-able to walk,after being bedridden
amble-walk aimlessly
Per Through
Perambulate-stroll through;walk around
perambulater-baby carriage
Sopor Sleep Soporific-causing sleep,sleeping pill
in- Negative suffix
Incoherence-inarticulateness(inability to get
words out)
insomnious-wakefull,unable to fall asleep
-ity Noun suffix
Banality-lack of originality;lack of imagination in
speech,actions;hackneyed or phraseology
Magnus Big,large,great Magniloquent
Opero To work Operator-magnum opus work
Garrio To chatter Garrulous
Verbum Word Verbatim
Volvo;volutus To roll revolution
Dico,dictus To say,tell
Dictatorial-words that signify telling others what
to do
contradict-to say against
addiction-a saying towards
Placating-an angry colleague,you turn that
person's hostile attitude into one that is friendly
-ive, -ory Adjuctive suffix Placative,placatory
im-(in-) Not,negative prefix Infidelity,infidel,implacability
Com,con,col,cor With,together
Complacent-you are pleased with yourself
condone-to forgive,overlook,
pardon(or)be uncritical of
colloquial- when people speak together they are
engaging in conversation
Dono To give
Donor-one who gives
donation-a gift


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